
I don't think I was clear. I am fine with slow pacing. What I don't like is cutting every plotline up into a quick little scene in every episode. Allowing episodes to focus more on a particular setting and plotline would actually allow slower pacing. You would have more room for deliberate scenes within that episode's

She would have to switch over to Creative Mode to get more spawn eggs, and then she would lose her ability get achievements in this world.

Yeah. She is trying to be the voice of sophisticated political wisdom, telling Jon that he needs to be play smarter. At the same time she just made House Stark look weak and divided in front of all the nobles of the North.

I feel the same. I wish the show had more confidence in not needing to check in with everyone every episode as well as giving up more episodes that focused on a single plotline. I feel the distant plotlines like Arya's training would have worked better if they just dedicated an episode or two to them. Instead it all

It seemed odd coming right of the "previously" clip, as it meant we saw Arya getting revenge followed by Arya getting revenge. Even without the previously clip, it is something that will feel repetitive to future viewers who binge the show and go right from the previous episode into this one.

Also regarding Jorah, it's not that surprising that Jorah could book passage and travel along across the Narrow Sea in quicker time than it takes for Dany to prepare a fleet and army to make the journey. There are a lot of things about time and distance in this show that don't make a lot of sense, but this seemed fine

I just assumed he was a big Dr. Jacoby fan.

It's a shame as Martha was otherwise a really great companion. The whole thread of having a crush on the Doctor and him being oblivious didn't make either of them look good.

"Sam’s trying to read the special books behind the counter, the ones you can’t check out and take home. If this were a classical drama, that would be a subplot of the episode, the goal Sam overcomes various obstacles to get. But Game Of Thrones nowadays is mostly exposition. Whole scenes contain no subtext, and the

Martha was heavily swooning over the Doctor, and was regularly hurt by his indifference. Here is her own explanation for leaving him from her last regular episode.

I remember about 15 years ago I ended up with a roommate that I didn't know that well. He was largely unfamiliar with fantastical entertainment, mostly preferring more realistic movies and books. He wasn't really a snob so much as he was just very down to earth.. He also had pretty good taste. Jim Thompson was one of

Tales from the Crypt was often fun to watch, but it was rarely actually disturbing. It too often leaned too hard into making the protagonists deserving of their fate. Creepshow was both fun and genuinely haunting.

If people that want to get a good look at the faces of innocent people in the story, I am fine with them having the inconvenience of needing to go to Twitter.

And Barsanti posted it here.

And Barsanti made sure to repost them here. And he actually derides Coulter for posting them at the same time he spreads them around.

I'll grant you that if it had to be done, that would be one of the more entertaining ways to do it.

I'd be happy to continue with no Doctor/Companion romance plots for the moment.

You don't need to be a fan of a show to get into stupid Twitter arguments about it. I'm sure plenty of the people that will complain about it will do so because it is the new MRA battleground and not because they give a crap about Doctor Who.

I understand Takei's problem with it. Gay actors have frequently had to fight against the idea that they can't play straight people. It's a complicated issue.

It lost a lot of good writers at that time, but it still had a decent amount of focus on it subject matter. It just seems to be flailing now.