
This goes along with something I observed with Shyamalan's career. The Sixth Sense would have been a good movie even without the twist. If Bruce Willis had been alive the whole time and was a therapist with marriage problems trying to help some kid deal with with his psychic powers, I still would have really enjoyed

I think that is a big part of it.

Those are also commendable choices.

I think fantasy works generally works best at even shorter length that. I really like a lot of fantasy that comes before Tolkien's influence took over fantasy, stuff like Dunsany, Vance, and Clark Ashton Smith. They could dip into a fantastical setting and get the story told before the setting began to feel too

Tubthumping is forever linked in my mind with the Lady of the Lake episode of Upright Citizens Brigade.

I do remember people with respectable musical taste having that as a guilty pleasure at the time. They all denied it after All Star came out.

It did, but songs can wear out their welcome then be enjoyable again when you hear them ten years later. People got tired of that song, but it was "All Star" that made them hated.

The fact is, if the whole show was like last episode, that would become a kind of boring in of itself. Lynch is famous for the otherworldliness he can put in his work, but he is usually good at pacing that stuff out so it really lands.

I always assumed he was genuine at the end of season two, even if he didn't always handle things well. I really liked the scene with Catherine trying get him to drop the facade, unable to conceive of being selfless. I also liked the way that Bobby want to work for Horne with the intent of transforming himself into a

This episode was as close to a typical Twin Peaks episode as we have gotten this season. If that constitutes coasting, I'm okay with that.

Thank you! There was one moment where he reminded me of someone last night, and i couldn't place it. That was it!

Yeah. Blaming that on four hours of sleep. Thanks!

That would be my expectation on a lot of shows, but this season is being so generous in actually revealing secrets. I don't think they are setting up this mystery just to pull the rug on letting it move forward.

The scene in FWWM whee he and Laura go into the woods for the drug deal is another amazing scene. That just cemented how interesting a character Bobby is. Of course, Fenn is absolutely incredible in that scene as well.

During my re-watch of the original series leading up to this, Dana Ashbrook was one of my absolute favorite actors on the show. The scene with Bobby and the Major in the diner is one of the highlights of the show, and it wonderful to see its promise being fulfilled.

It's for all the people that skip the article and just read the comments.

Those seems to be the clicks the AV Club is after these days.

I was never a soap fan, but I was 10 when that movie came out, which meant that my mother watching soaps was the background noise of sick days and summer vacations. I was primed for a soap parody.

I've never even heard of this movie. It sounds very much like something that could have only happened in the late '70s/early '80s

I like the visuals in this much more than the sequel. For one thing, the sequel cuts back on the amount of color in everything, but more importantly, it just loses that sense of otherworldliness the original had.