Sure. Having strong enough faith that it says that without needing to look is a sign of great wisdom.
Sure. Having strong enough faith that it says that without needing to look is a sign of great wisdom.
You may have a point there.
Reading is a sin. It says so in the Bible. Look it up.
I'm torn on that. Trump's erratic craziness is making it much harder for the Republicans to carry out their agenda while theoretically controlling the whole government. WIth a more staid evildoer like Pence in power, they would be getting a lot more done. One the other hand, it would be nice to have a non-crazy…
She's in demand for more "commercial" projects. That Black List script was amazing, so she is perfect person to hire for the next Wallace Beery wrestling picture. You get all the buzz of a hot up-and-coming writer without any of the uncertainty of their actual vision.
In what way were fandoms monocultures in the '90s? That is a statement that makes me suspect that Clayton was born around 2002 or so. The '90s were the decade that gave us the catchphrase "worst episode ever" as a dig at the hypercriticism of fans.
I get why networks are satisfied, but why are advertisers? Padding your ratings is flat-out bilking the advertisers. And network advertisers are vast corporations with armies of lawyers. It's not like they are ripping off hapless losers like the American public. There should be consequences when cheat a corporation.
Sure, but the point is that you are talking about a real issue. The problem at the moment is that we coverage like Newswire that goes on about every Tweet he makes and what Lindsay Lohan has to say about Trump. Shit like that is eating all the oxygen in the room and distracts people.
Great interview.
On that note,I found my sister's old tape collection in my parent's attic a few years ago, and it was indeed a goldmine. A goldmine in a shitty sounding format that I don't even own a player for, but it would be fantastic for anyone that actually listens to tapes and wants to remember what real '80s and '90s…
About ten years ago I used to live a block from Ethiopian Diamond in Chicago. Phil Cohran used to play there at least once a week. It was never less than amazing.
The Pilot was already a weird addition to the universe. You'd think the Doctor would be a little more curious about this technology that is at least as powerful as the Time Lords if not more so. They can travel anywhere in time and space instantly and turn any atom to any other kind of atom with a thought.
Sure. That is the reason there would be more people searching for it. My point was that I don't this is a case of search engine optimization shenanigans. It's just legitimately what most people looking for "Kravitz Dragonfly Lyrics" are actually searching for, and Google is working as it should.
This isn't so much clever algorithm-gaming as it is the simple fact that there are more people that want to watch this parody video of Kravitz than there are looking for a genuine lyrics video.
A real American would use a pound high fructose corn syrup. Buying sugar supports Cuba, one of our greatest current geopolitical threats.
The De Havilland interlude was simply an attempt at verisimilitude!
Infinity War might involve a lot of time travel shenanigans, so maybe it means this will be a prequel.
Minutes after I posted, I realized I should have gone with something like "Dowd giving a Spider-Man movie a solid B is like J. Jonah Jameson running an editorial admitting that Spider-Man might not be the absolute worst thing to happen New York City."
The movie has its problems, but that scene is not one of them.
It's a "B" grade from Dowd. That's high praise. It's not even like he went with B-.