
Playing angry is easy. It's getting the pain under the anger that sells it. Gilpin did it perfectly. It helped that while we only had two brief scenes with her already, she was a character I was entirely sympathetic with.

This shouldn't have worked. Stories of struggling actors are such a tired cliche, and this even did the move of having her actually cut at one point to maximize drama. Still, by the end of the episode I was completely sold.

I live in New Jersey where slice-folding is common practice, so we effectively make most pizzas into calzones. Then again, I have lived in Indiana too, and a lot of people there would think that Papa John's is better pizza than what you get from a New Jersey pizzeria.

I agree. If it sounds clever to him in the moment, he says it.

Shit. I guess I am out of the Club now.

He also spent the Iowa speech going off script and talking about ending wind energy in a state with one of the biggest wind energy industries, pissing of the local Republicans. One could say it was like giving a speech in coal country about putting coal miners out of work.

The Trump Era version would Stevie Wonder taking off his glasses, saying "Hah, gotcha fuckers, I could see this whole time!", and then obliviously walking straight off a cliff.

Factual flexibility.

So, was Trump clever in lying about the tapes because it forced Comey to tell the truth at the hearings, or did Comey lie at the hearings? These things can't both be true.

High school, retirement homes, and many workplaces are all places that people don't really want to be and feel helpless. Establishing power over others around you is a way to mitigate that feeling.

Same. And he left us for a network that doesn't seem to exist as far as I can tell.

This is the first episode of this show where I am truly disappointed that I will never have a way to see it.

That's actually a fair point. He did hold his end.

Ultron's motives make a lot more sense to me now than they did when that movie was released.

Out of curiosity, have you actually read it? Or do you just mean the existence of the book is terrifying, which is entirely reasonable.

This really is trolling on Cosby's part, pure and simple. The idea of the lectures is enough, but doing them for college athletes is just a sick joke.

I don't know that Reeve's Superman is the example that you want for a character that stayed interesting over the long run of the franchise.

I'm getting to the point of being kind of glad that Kinja will give me an excuse to make a clean break with this place. This shit has been going on too long.

That's a gray area. The title in question is "first Marvel queen". In 1944, Captain America was not a Marvel character yet. It was published by Timely Comics. It seems wrong to label her a Marvel Queen.

It's also Jesus, so he can easily make more booze. It was somehow the principle of the thing that disappointed him.