
The conglomeration of bodies reminded me of the horrifying corpse sculpture that guy gets stitched into in Hannibal.

The strength of season one was focus. There were fewer storylines and we actually spent time with them all and cared about them.

I've liked her as an actress for a while now, but there hasn't been a single showcase work that I have been able to easily recommend until now. This show has given me two separate roles by her that I can point to in future.

No. The worst.

Well, I will criticize Zuckerman for "Hitchcockian-type thriller". She could have just gone with "Hitchcockian thriller". Then again, if she getting paid by the word, more power to her.

Just to be clear, I am not really criticizing Esther Zuckerman. I am criticizing the kind the kind of thinking that she is identifying.

Of course. I still think that crossovers would be more interesting if they allowed the individual movies to vary in tone. The Marvel movies blend so effortlessly that the crossovers feel pretty much the same as everything else. It's like mixing a tonic and tonic.

I've been waiting for theHerman's Head people to make their move.


Do they? I've gotten the impression that The Dark Knight was the most critically-loved comic book movie.

"A Hitchcockian-type thriller, more focused on emotion than explosions, with Bruce Wayne at the center does sound intriguing. However, it’s not quite in line with the we-promise-we’re-fun-now direction in which the DCEU seems to be heading."

Replacing the Star Wars crawl with a Ron Howard voice over would be a good place to start.


That would be better. I think a Watchmen TV show could be genuinely good, but it was always meant to be in print with time to read the actual articles and miscellanea.

It would make a fantastic cable show if you could get it to commit the different genre every issue angle.

The V for Vendetta thing wasn't bad, but it wasn't perfect either. They changed to plot to appeal to 9/11 truthers by having the twist about the government using the concentration camps to develop a disease that they used as a pretext to seize control. Replacing nuclear war with a disease was an acceptable change, but

I am starting to reach my limit on this place.

I understand your lack of patience with Moffat, but let's be clear that RTD had already made the universe all about the Doctor.

So, how many times have we had the "Spicer is about to step down/ be replaced" story so far? I have lost count.

Thanks. That's a lot more succinct than my rambling comment.