
I agree, but my point is that it doesn't seem right for this show for Richard Horne to simply be evil because he has an evil father he never met. It doesn't fit with the world we have seen in this show.

We may all be jumping to a false conclusion on Richard Horne being Bad Dale's kid anyway. As you say, the kid seems too young to be the product of when Dale was last in Twin Peaks, and there is no indication he ever went back.

Her theory makes no real sense. When Good Dale re-entered the world, he saw Bad Dale from the other side, and Bad Dale got ill and crashed his car, leading to his arrest. The woman who hired the killers waiting for Dale/Dougie when he left the house with Jade as working for Bad Dale too.

Hitler's Death Car!

I agree. Once you decide some people get free speech and other don't with the government able to decide who had is, you are within spitting distance of nobody having it.

Let's face it, if you go back in time to 2007, Iron Man and Thor are both less well-known than Wonder Woman. I'd say Wonder Woman and the Hulk would come in about even.

Calling Wonder Woman's show universally loved is a stretch, but your overall point stands.

The icing is how she even brings up Tam's complaint about Snyder hijacking the case when she finally actually mentions him halfway through the third paragraph of the article once she is done giving Snyder his say.

"Because the director saw it in another movie, and it was in the budget" probably does cover most questions like this.

White Person Katie RIfe makes Asian American Simon Tam's court victory all about White Person Dan Snyder.

Obama was born in 1961, so her story checks out!

You'd have to know something about that history of film and television to know that. The AV Club doesn't do that anymore. It's easier and more click friendly to make us some bullshit political reason.

It really is that simple. The attempt to frame it as some symptom of larger psychological concerns is moronic.

It's such a lazy, random list. The assassination attempt was '81. The Berlin Wall came down in '89. Drugs weren't new in the '80s. As for nuclear proliferation, I don't think they know what the term means. That is when possession of nuclear weapons spreads from one country to another That is something people have

They would, and it is more a challenge for B5 than with Star Trek. The original Star Trek was about an exploration ship having weekly adventures. It was easy to use the same format a generation later. B5 was about one of the greatest events in the history of the galaxy, which means anything else you can do in the

"Barb, or Barbie as she liked to be called,…"

See, that was something Barb fans complained about. "Nobody cared when Barb disappeared."

Sure. I think it is entirely likely someone at Paramount took some inspiration from JMS's pitch, but it is ultimately its own thing, and sci-fans of the time were better off with having both shows around, even if some of those fans would rather engage in a pointless rivalry.

"All that from… 'hug me!'"

Not that he was bad in that, but G'Kar was the role he was born for.