
Maybe it's a clever stratagem to frustrate the bosses at Starz by convincing them eight episodes is far too few episodes a season. If it works, maybe they will order twice as many next year.

That's my take. Just a little joke in naming the episode.

I don't feel the stories are that detached from the main story. The Laura Moon episode did a lot to add depth to Shadow as well. The scenes with them both in the hotel room would not have been nearly as powerful without it. This episode added a lot to Sweeney, which will pay off later. I don't feel in a hurry to get

I agree completely. On the other hand, it's nice to be approaching the end of the season with the feeling that the show has an abundance of stories left to tell, rather than wondering if it has enough to sustain future seasons. It is also nice that Fuller seems to have a solid success with it as well, so for once, we

That scene should have been a case of being annoying for making Tobias more stupid than is humanly possible for a cheap laugh. Somehow it still cracks me up every time I watch it.

I have nothing against the movie, but I kind of wish that what few musicals come along these days would actually cast people with professional levels of singing and dancing talent. I know that's about as like as animated films casting professional voice actors though.

While a mummy's curse is indeed a thing, if I remember correctly from D&D, the disease you can catch from them is mummy's rot. Maybe that WFRP instead of D&D actually.

Well, I know we spend a lot time hanging out at NASA central control, but I just assume that the Doctor is above that prosaic kind of business.

I found a lot of it a bit muddles, but it really came together in the end. It's goes against the trend of a lot of recent episodes that are fun for most of their run and then fall apart at the end.

That chat at the end of "Lie of the Land" is actually another front-runner for most perplexing dialogue. The Doctor talks to Bill about how everything that just happened is proof that humans suck, except for Bill, who is one of the good ones.

The opening of this episode bugged me a little. The Doctor and Bill didn't seem to have any reason to be there at all. They apparently didn't know about the rocks on Mars, so why show up for the revelation of them?

When you have CGI that dodgy, it probably isn't a great idea to slooooow it down so people have time to notice every flaw.

Can we make that "Now let us never speak of him again"?

I guess they let their set designers do it. They have the same kind of blandness.

Setting precedent for segregated movie theaters would actually be a gift to white nationalists.

It's not elevated in anyway either. It's a completely virtual throne room. They could have made it look like anything, and whoever did it had no understanding of how throne rooms are designed to emphasize power.

Paying ridiculous prices for food and drink is what vacationing is all about!

The Spider-Man poster was a bad attempt at ambitiously attempting at Struzan poster. This poster is a bland and simple concept and they still fucked it up.

I don't even know about the design. You want a picture of someone on a throne to convey power, but they put the Black Panther at eye level with the viewer, down at the bottom of the picture, surrounded by useless space.

Museum restaurants are always a good way to keep your buzz going while you take in the art as well.