
The part where she condescendingly accused Katy Perry of being condescending was a dead giveaway.

I ran a game of Killer in middle school. I believe it was 1985. I started with about five players but allowed recruitment. It got to about 100 out of the 500 students playing before I got called into the principal's office for a talking to. I expect it would have gone a lot more poorly now.

I decided to go to Youtube to find some Genesis live performances from '71 to prove he was once young. The first clip found was this one with him on drums, which between the comically placed cymbals and his hair makes it hard to prove my point.

He left Phil Collins carpet crawling.

Me either, but I am going to lean on the fact that Collins career goes back to the early '70s to feel a little better about it.

I'd argue that xenomorph is just a general term for alien lifeforms, and that the term was being used in a general sense in Aliens not a specific sense, but whoever wrote the headline capitalized the term, so they are clearly using it in a specific sense.

It's just a classic expression of teenaged rebellion. Completely ridiculous and yet utterly sincere at the same time.

I can think of a dozen worse things I did as a teenager off the of my head. I'm sure I can find plenty more. I think I can find it in my heart to forgive her.

Comedy Gong Gong.

It's easily the least. I knew someone that worked for the Huffington Post back in her day, and her respect for employees is evident in everything Uber does.

When you realize the AV Club is just the 21st Century version of a numbers station, it all suddenly makes sense.

I would go so far as to say it is the best comment in recent mammary.

We have Youtube now, so we can verify its existence. I kind of miss having memories of shows that I wasn't entirely sure were real. Was Jennifer Slept Here an actual bad sitcom, a parody of a bad sitcom, or a dream about a bad sitcom that I had? It is too easy to learn the depressing answer to that question now.

"People are still sick of Austin Powers, so make sure he does a new character. Just make sure that the new character still reminds them of Austin Powers,"

In Japan, game shows torture contestants. In America, game shows torture the host! What a country!

It can be two two things.

And unlike a good chunk of Newswire these days, this is pop culture related.

Same here.

Wow. It's been a long time since I have heard those mentioned.

That's why Biastoc moved to Canada last November.