
Keep in mind what Trump has done is give intent to withdraw in November 4, 2020. Nothing actually changes until after the next Presidential election. It's more of Trump making a lot of noise and doing very little.

My two memories of Tamron Hall from when she was on the local news in Chicago:

I'm in the same boat. I'm enjoying the season overall, logic faults and all, but the last episode didn't work for me. It just wasn't entertaining enough to get me to overlook all the logic faults, and such self-inflicted faults too! Why have two separate scenes to show that you needed to make a deal with the aliens

I agree with you on Padme. The third movie really needed some tragic Hail Mary play by the opposition to Palpatine to give it all some weight. Instead, they had one bland meeting where they decided to just keep their heads down for now. That should have been what divided Anakin and Padme, not some random delusion that

I think part of its problem is being so small scale. It's a novel. You have an unlimited special effect budget, but it is just about Luke and Leia crash landing on a backwater mining planet, and a boring planet at that. It's like a novel written to fit the budgetary constraints of being turned into a script for

I can go between being sick of Doctor Who and loving it again multiple times in the same season!

I remember it. It does not hold up to a re-read.

Also, people rarely get permanently sick of something they loved. The older I get, the more I stumble on pop culture that I swore off decades ago and find that I can enjoy it again.

Okay. An anthology, non-canon series like that would be great. I just wouldn't want Fincher working on the main story.

If you can't tell that story in six hours, you are only going to tell it worse in nine.

It still wouldn't have helped that it was a fundamentally undramatic story. Palpatine drove the story, and he never met any kind of setback. Anakin was always a sour prick that was foolish and easily manipulated. Obi-Wan was usually stuck off on side plots.

I love Fincher, but I never want to see him do Star Wars.

Good Lucas was a collaborator that worked with lots of other people to create something fantastic. Bad Lucas was a guy who bought his own legend and surrounded himself with fanboys to afraid to tell him when his shit stank.

I would segue from Mr. Show into a Chairface Chippendale reference, but I don't feel comfortable quoting a show that made fun of the Swiss in the current litigious environment.

When I was a boy, blowing up the sun was just a beautiful dream. Now it is science fact!

When people say, "I don't like that show because of the fans", I have to wonder if they only like shows where they have yet to meet the fanbase yet.

I'm betting on this series turning out to be a prequel to The Orphan.

Yeah. Be careful what you wish for. We might have gotten a $700 machine that is required to open our student loan bills.

Just to be clear, I have no problem with Griffin being fired over this. It's just awfully similar to the kind of provocations you see in the Alt-Right, so I am curious to see them react.

They are also the only people that consider The Ladykillers to be the best Coen Brothers movie.