
It was funnier when Odenkirk said it on Mr. Show.

I wonder if the "political correctness gone mad" crowd are going to rush to defend this attack on her free speech?

Spoiler: It's pronounced Jiff, like the peanut butter.

That would be the old AV Club. This was just an ad for Reese's.

That's right. I had forgotten the details. I remember being annoyed at the time that they mentioned it on the DVD as it became a huge distraction, and it was for more innocuous than what Griffin did.

Of course, back then Game of Thrones did the in-joke of George W. Bush's head being on a pike in the background, so they kept point to that as "both sides!!!"

But hey, it's gotten us to remember that Griffin exists, and isn't that what is really important here?

I felt it already kind of went off the rails at the end of season three. The reveal of Lucille as some mastermind behind everything never felt supported by anything that came before. It didn't matter that much when it was a quick and silly wrap-up to a cancelled show, but it meant both George and Lucille had been

I made the same Waite/Waits mistake as you in the mid-80s. What was funny is that I eventually heard Rain Dogs, and immediately realized my parents used to listen to this guy all the time when I was about five. They had the album Small Change that would come out whenever the neighbors were over to drink. Even as a

At least it isn't uncomfortable True Blood which used genuinely murderous vampires as a metaphor for being gay.

I was here minuted before the first comment, and it crossed my mind too, but I guess there are limits to my poor taste.

Pretty sure that people with idealized visions of him would refuse to be disappointed by him whatever a living version of him might be doing.

It's a change where I like the show better. Having Laura label him as "puppy" is a lot more meaningful than it being some cutesy thing that Shadow says himself.

I wouldn't bring up Torchwood. RTD was developing that, then he realized he had more on his plate than he could handle and handed it off the Chibnall at the last minute. That was kind of a guaranteed mess.

This episode just wasn't entertaining enough to offset the illogic. The show let us know up front that the real problem was in the lab and that the stuff with the armies was a diversion, yet we spent most of the episode with the meaningless diversion waiting for the Doctor to catch on.

The truly pathetic part comes when he is to shy to actually use the ticket because there will be a lot of girls there.

He doesn't watch all those kissy, romantic parts in the movie. They make him uncomfortable.

It's dumb on so many levels. Even if I were dumb enough to believe in some kind of grand feminist conspiracy against men, it would be an upstart one trying to take over the world, not the architects that have been controlling reality for generations. The Matrix analogy is just innately stupid from their perspective.

The fact that you used the term "ownage" is a clear sign you are a veteran of the AV Club reviews of the show.

Because people keep giving inconsequential assholes like Miller headlines.