
I expected him to take Twin Peaks out to "Mulholland Drive" levels of weird, but I didn't expect him to go full "Eraserhead" at times.

I was kind of surprised Ray Wise was coming back, and it seemed he would be too old to play a convincing ghost version of himself. Then I saw him on Fargo a few weeks ago, and I was startled to see he was basically the same.

I was thinking he was a perfect fit to rejuvenate the Fast and Furious franchise, but I think you just changed my mind.

It seemed to me that the context of his previous comments was that Hollywood wasn't interested in giving him money to make the movies he wanted to anymore. If he has changed what he is saying, it probably means that someone in Hollywood has decided all this Twin Peaks attention has made him marketable again and given

Now that For Our Consideration is whatever it is now, GJI is going to be section that lets us know about problematic entertainment.

Might be partly because it hits closer to home. Being killed by a terrorist is a pretty abstract threat to most people. A creepy person taking a nude photo of you in the locker room is the kind of idea that can really eat at a person.

There is some debate about when something should cost them their livelihood, but this is a clear case when I am fine with. I hire models for models for art classes, and that carries responsibility with it. There is no way I could ever hire someone to model who did this to another model. I can't see any reason why

There is something about Johnny in the top picture that makes him a look a little like a young Jerry Orbach, which is kind of creepy under the circumstances.

I don't think people should ignore Trump. I'm the kind of person that actually downloaded Trump's budget proposal from and read it.

Looks like they are adapting the plotline where Red Skull fills in for Peter Parker as Spider-Man.

This is the exact thought that passed through mind looking at this.

I'm part of the generation that saw Star Wars in the theaters, so by the time they were becoming flea market mainstays, I was done with toys. I was already past them when Return of the Jedi came out.

I had the Death Star and the Falcon, but I spent all my time seething with envy of my friend's AT-AT.

I don't think such disturbing imagery has ever before been paired with such empty, generic lyrics.

I figured that was who you meant. Oliver might actually be pleased. From a business perspective, putting Stewart and Oliver together in the same hour would be similar to when Stewart and Colbert were together.

I may be underestimating when I say they only do it once a season. In any case, they still don't do it nearly enough!

Oddly that seven movie version of the story still feels shorter to sit through than Ron Howard's The Grinch.

I feel this show would be better if it just leaned into its moments of comedy, dropped the conspiracy completely, and only dealt with wacky shenanigans involving one clone having to impersonate an other. It seems like the thing does best, but only gets around to about once a season.

I've made it a couple of episodes into season 4 so far. I keep getting bored with the plot, then coming back occasionally for Maslany, then after a few episodes later I drift away again.

Or Voyage of the Dawn Treader which they basically turned into a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.