
"Then reports came out saying that the FCC was launching an investigation into Colbert’s joke."

The guy watching the glass box and his lady caller were simultaneously engaging in bad horror/porno acting, yet at the same time also reminding me of the way it really looks when two socially awkward people have an intense reaction to each other. It was artificially signalling genre conventions while also being

Yeah, it did. The thoughtful comments there easily outweighed the shitposters.

Exactly. You don't want to give trolls the power to lock comments on any article just by showing up. I've seen that on forums before where people calculatedly start trouble to shut down a conversation other people were having.

I live down the street from Zack Snyder's father-in-law and he is a nodding acquaintance, and I had no clue this happened. Having had two suicides in my family in recent years, I can entirely respect them not wanting to talk about it.

It's actually more complicated now. They used to cut down every episode to fit in commercials. up through Series 4. Starting with the Smith era, Who had become big enough that the started running the show in a time slot that runs slightly into the next hour, so they can pack it with commercials yet still show the

"The Christmas Invasion" is one heck of a sloppy episode early on, but near the end, it does a fantastic job of selling Tennant as the Doctor. It might be the best and worst "New Doctor" episode of New Who at the same time.

I think you still bring up a valid point. Even when you cut down an episode of Doctor Who and leave the plot intact, just cutting out quirky, plot-inessential moments like the Doctor choosing his outfit take out a lot of what people like about the show.

Don't worry. They are.

Oh, it will. Larry Nightingale will have those numbers on a T-shirt.

At least this doesn't disprove my theory that Mars episode this season will give us the Ice Warriors battling the Melty Man.

Well put.

If only I could have gotten my hands on your advance copies, I would have memorized all the numbers, so I could recite them in time with the show when it first aired and freak everyone in the room out.

Last season's finale wasn't the worst the show has done, but it had problems. If Moffat can put a truly satisfying ending on this series. it will beat nine.

I had already watched the British version of "Turn Left" when it aired on BBC America, so I was appalled at how they chopped down that one. They completely removed the scene of the soldiers coming to take the immigrants to work camps.

I like to think she is just playing hard to get, and if Chibnall asks nicely, he can get her back at some for an episode or two.

Um. Whovian doesn't comment on this show, does he?

#fakeuniverse is #fakenews

Continuity isn't Moffat's strongest point, but I'd still be really surprised if he forgot the TARDIS can translate. I think you are right that it was a clue. Maybe the aliens aren't actually aware the TARDIS does that.

This was perfectly balanced Moffat. I was just beginning to feel the first twinge of annoyance at the episode not explaining anything, and then the random number reveal happened. I instantly got the significance, and I was back on board for the rest of the episode. I'm still ready for a new showrunner, but I am