
When I was 14 and that comic came out, I liked it, but I and my friends thought it was the poor relation to The Dark Knight Returns. Reading them as an adult, Moore wins the contest easily.

I wish there were at least some sketches on Youtube like most shows that have been abandoned.

Yeah. That's a fair point.

Part 5 is wasting my life posting here.

I believe he is listing reasons the Internet never gets laid.

Glad to see that I wasn't the only wincing at that lame title.

Dreyfuss was perfect in that. DeNiro would have to be really on his game to match him.

The family angle worked really well. It could have come off as tone deaf to portray his family as victims, but I think it just really showed what an irresponsible bastard Madoff was by blowing up his family with his crimes. It made him look more monstrous than if they had just focused on the people he defrauded.

Sure, but that would make it too easy to pick the right one.

Easy. Ailes has harmed thousands of people who had nothing to do with him. Everyone Madoff harmed chose to give their money to someone who was clearly doing something dirty to give them such a quick return. If it hadn't turned out to be Ponzi scheme, that only other options were something on along the lines of insider

I got into learning how to draw properly as an adult, and it took about a year to shake everything I learned about drawing in elementary school art classes.

Google neural nets live on the Internet. They are pretty well inured to dick pics.

Seriously. I have run weekly life drawing sessions for years. I can roughly draw a human model in about 30 seconds with a pencil, but drawing a damn balloon with a mouse is an ordeal.

Y 2 Mamma Miabien

Tituss' absolutely perfect audition followed by the muppet trying to molest him made me start to wonder if the whole thing was just going to be dream sequence, with Tituss having overslept.

This wasn't one of my favorite episodes, but this show is already good enough comfort food that I'm perfectly happy to just to have it back. Krakowski coaching Kimmy on torturing Wayne was my favorite part of the episode. He glowing pride at Kimmy was just hilarious.

At the end of the last season, it looked like he was going to be causing trouble for Kimmy. Instead, they flipped it and had Kimmy making him miserable. It made the plot with him far more entertaining.

She's functionally someone who has just graduated high school and is starting college. The expectations of living circumstances are pretty much the same as yours.

I'm glad there are some other people that remember this show. It really needs to be streaming somewhere so I can make people watch it.

"Okay, you can afford good animation or good writers. You can't have both."