
Here in South Jersey, we just call them TD Banks.

Hiring the Thomas the Tank Engine guys was a mistake.

Sounds good. I will actually be out on Sunday night, so while I will assuredly watch the episode before sleeping, I may or may not make it to comment. Ideally, the episode will be electrifying, and the adrenaline rush will fuel a commenting frenzy, leaving me irritable and cranky all day on Monday.

Welcome aboard! Look forward to comparing notes in TV Club on Sunday night.

I have HBO, yet I have never heard of this before.

Amy Poehler should be used to houses that have a Hot Chicks room.

Looking at the Deep Throat one reminds me of trying to look for something in the static of the unsubscribed Playboy channel as a teen,

I misread and thought the concert was for Trump and not just the weekend he was there, so I was assuming an elite audience.

"Given that Saudi Arabia also strictly forbids alcohol, and the other 90 percent of Keith’s discography is about beer, this may be an exceptionally short set."

I would have prefered an actress who dug up Andy Warhol and shot him again to show us all the she really got the true meaning of feminism, but I guess this will do.

I haven't seen the episode yet, but it feels like we are in that window where it is too late for Lemonade parody to feel timely, yet it hasn't been long enough to be a cool callback. Tituss might make it work though.

These "one knight always lies, and the other one always tells the truth" puzzles always get me.

I'm fine with that.

Where were you 25 years ago? You could have saved me a lot of embarrassment.

I thought the original was fine. It was a passable homage to better stuff by Theodore Sturgeon like "The Other Celia".

It's a shame he just landed that series at TruTV. He would have been the ideal director for this.

At least until all the food features are about what Trump is eating.

If you was just you guys, I would actually be fine with it. Our under-the-radar political threads in WOT are perfectly fine. It's just these big, noisy clickbait headlines drawing in morons that are the problem.

We Australians used to have John Oliver doing long segments on how stupid Abbot, our then prime minister, was. Abbot looks like a genius next to Trump.

That's my feeling. I read a lot of serious news at serious new sites. I come here when I am not doing that.