
Eh. I don't care. I'm Australian. We have a functioning government that has provided quality free-health care for decades. I just think it's funny that some Americans are so stupid they elected an actual con man as president and believe he is some kind of hero.

You are the Mirror Universe Trump. Of course, doing what Trump would do doesn't sound like a good idea to you!

Based on the last few comment sections, looks like the constant Trump-trolling-for-clicks by the AV Club rather than covering pop culture is paying off. Soon, the AV Club comment sections will be scorched wastelands worthy of Youtube.

It's the kind of thing Trump would do, so let's be more like him.

That show with the backwards-talking little person went back into production under Obama's watch.

Of course Trump would agree. A government that did less would never have gone after him for ripping people off with his Trump University scam, and he never would have had to give money back. It would also guarantee he could keep hiring illegal aliens without a problem.

Giving Mr. Bean a first name was really more character development than I felt was needed.I found the whole movie adaptation painfully contrived, but Colin Firth was charming as Ronching Blue.

Exactly. Casting Heynong Man resets the mood of an encounter, allowing a re-roll on the Monster Reactions Table (see p. B24).

I can see the logic in that. Sort of like how we killed Ailes with pure focused hatred, which is bad because it is a some kind Dark Side of the Force thing. Ailes killed people indirectly by inspiring others the engage in wars that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The one step remove insulates him from all

“With technological advances changing behavior and perspective. The downside of that is turning us into a nation where hatred is almost celebrated in some quarters.”

I hate it when they pad out the spells in a supplement by making a "new" spell that is really just a reversed version of an existing spell with a new name slapped on it. Mind Blark is identical in effect to the reversed form of Heynong Man

If you are talking about Alice Through the Looking Glass, yes, I have purged those memories.

Yes. The I hope Clinton got a lot of speaking engagements in return for allowing the tobacco companies to settle by paying for those ads.

Not too surprising. Those anti-smoking ads with someone wheezing with emphysema remind people to light up. "Ooh, cigarette!"

Actually, yeah. They changed the changed "terror" to "horror". Smooth.

Nope. It involves lots of forced, creepy laughter for one thing, and often incorporates food and slapstick.

I've heard w-ursa than that.

I have dark memories of tuning in for an an episode of Mr. Show in the '90s and instead getting an HBO Real Sex episode about clown sex. You really don't want to look further into this. Trust me.

Nope Clearly this is all the work of Google. Do you really think it is a coincidence that Google starts developing self-driving cars and that same time, driving cars into crowds becomes the terrorist attack of choice.