
You mean like this: "BREAKING: New York terror: One dead & 13 injured after cars hits Times Square pedestrians"

Another thought: It is better to mix people and muppets rather than to try and have muppets that look like people. The Gelflings are inside the uncanny valley and they are at the heart of the movie. It makes The Dark Crystal a little hard to relate to.

I respect The Dark Crystal as a more ambitious vision, but Labyrinth is easily more entertaining to watch.

I heard there was an issue with his heart plug.

I haven't revisited this movie since it first came out, and my memories of it are hazy, but that scene where they find the accident stays with me. The way Fenn's character is broken, like some malfunctioning machine, is absolutely horrifying.

She's got moxie!

I have to admit is was happy to watch her struggling to get in the car because I was so happy she was still alive.

There is nothing wrong with his performance, but he is the one character I am just uninterested in this season. He is basically just there to slow down Gloria, and they did almost the exact same thing in the first season.

I get people harping on an accent, but personally, it's one of the lesser things I consider when judging a performance. I'm really enjoying McGregor this season.

You can do anything on basic cable that you can do on pay cable. It's just that basic cable is a little more shy as they don't want to upset their advertisers.

Don't forget that Bush made it okay for Americans to like torture again, and gave us the modern surveillance state we have today.

I'm an Australian who live in the US, so I was thinking of the waves of immigration in both countries when I made the comment.

Glad to see you said the last two. I always cringe when people say to skip to the last episode when you get the rough patch. The second-to-last one has a lot of great stuff, and sets up the second episode.

You got me curious, so I looked her up. Looking at her IMDB picture, she looks more like a typical goth girl I went to high school with in the '80s than any Hollywood goth ever.

We already saw Martha to get a glimpse of the isolation of being an American in Moscow.

I was definitely picturing some level of amusement mixed in with his disgust.

Sometimes they can mislead you. Last week American Gods downscaled to Brief Nudity and Sexual Situations. I thought they might be going easy on the sex that episode, but no.

I'd rather watch Elizabeth's face while she watched Rambo: First Blood Part II. Maybe Oleg can come back to the states and grimly watch Brazil.

It made me think of Michael Palin's character in Brazil.

His parent haven't killed mail robot, but only because they were able to take mail robot apart, corrupt it, and turn it against it's own country while simultaneously killing an old lady.