
It just needed a "Take it from me, I love you!" tag on the end.

I think that kinda started with the "Rape of Thrones" article. It's in full swing now.

I thin the 32X and Sega CD were what really ruined them. They burned enough people buying those that when they put out an actual new console, everyone was gunshy.

"And the youthful hyper-color rebellion of Jet Set Radio would speak just as loudly today, if not moreso, than it did in 2000."

The way they use each number to represent a different category, with multiple examples, makes it a lot more interesting than your usual arbitrary numbered lists.

My comment was actually prompted by the fact that the show seems to have a real following in Japan. When I was last there, I had at least three people ask me if I was fan of the show.

Doing a rewatch just before the season season should be its own reward, but I hope it does actually enhance the new season as well.

This is what happens when I stop listening to the radio for 20 years.

Fair enough. Objection retracted.

It all feels very formulaic, but maybe that is the trailer. I'll give it an episode.

It was either a role in this or taking a part in the third instalment of the Huntsman franchise.

Along with the The Thin White Duke, Andy Kaufman was one of David Bowie's more memorable personas.

That's not the same as broadcasting at 192 kbps though. That's just the bit rate on the file they are playing before it gets converted to analog and broadcast.

Thanks. Maybe I will give it another chance then.

That blind date season was an abomination. I felt bad for Phil and the contestants, having to talk up the love angle with each couple at the finish line, only for everyone to reject the concept.

I usually decided to watch it on a season by season basis. This season, with people who don't know each other shouting a lot was one I decided to pass on. I'll check back next season.

That does suck. It is well worth giving a second watch straight though. There are plenty of things Ted Danson does going back all the way to pilot that seem innocuous or simply clueless the first time. When you know the twist, you can see he is often actively twisting the knife. While you can't ever get the experience

Also, because this season takes place after a memory wipe, with the characters put back in the same situation, I'm guessing a lot of the humor will rely on callbacks to what happened last time. If everyone is hazy on the events of the prior season, the show will suffer.

Hey, I was just posting about that show myself. My hope is that we don't get most of Season 2 served consecutively, and then have the last few episodes held back until after a long hiatus, as happened last season.

I hardly ever watch network TV anymore, but The Good Place was getting positive buzz here, and I liked the cast. Over Thanksgiving, I decided to catch up on Hulu. Once I was caught up, I looked up when it aired so I could join in the next TV Club discussion.