
It's a classic conman move to have a brilliant bit of advice that doesn't entirely apply to the situation. The cleverness of what you have to say disarms your mark.

This show has already gone pretty heavy on the sex, but I am very impressed at how none of it has been gratuitous.

I'd completely forgotten this scene from the book, but I read a lot of Egyptian mythology as a kid. I winced as soon as the scales were mentioned, realizing her heart was going to end up on them. I knew Fuller and Slade were more than capable of making it horrific, so it was a nice relief when it was relatively gentle.

Same here. I remember the characters and some of the scenery, but almost all the story beats feel fresh to me.

Good thing Trump will forget I wrote it before his lawyer can answer the phone.

Better than Prometheus is automatically better than The Phantom Menace. Prometheus had story problems, but it looked pretty, and the acting was competent overall. The Phantom Menace failed on all those fronts. Prometheus also moved along quickly. The Tatooine part of The Phantom Menace alone seemed to last nine hours.

Trump says a lot of things that have no relation to anything that happens. He probably forgot he tweeted that within minutes. He lives perpetually in the moment, like a goldfish.

"…green is not a creative color…"

Aren't the Toclafane at a point where the universe itself is winding down? I think it would been noteworthy to mention if we were that far in the future. I expect if humanity makes it to the end of the universe, we will have will plenty of other horrible mistakes.

They weren't being replaced to save oxygen. They were being replaced for being inefficient. As one of the crew said earlier in the episode when the idea of it being a robbery was discussed, they hadn't produced much ore lately.

The thing that didn't make sense for me was that Bill was saved because the battery was too low to provide a charge big enough to kill her. Wouldn't that mean the suit battery would have been dead after she was zapped? How was she walking around?

I wouldn't call it optimism. Isn't the message that we only get over hating other races when he have aliens to be prejudiced against?

I often feel this show is too rushed, but I think this one was just right. Different tastes and all, but I didn't need a whole subplot about the guy grieving his dead wife. I also thought Bill and the blue alien made their point. I didn't need a whole Star Trek episode worth of detail about racism against blue people.

As a GenX, I remember the same shit from the early '90s, so you have my full sympathy.

I think even T2 was pushing it. The closing moments of the original movie with Sarah Connor in the jeep were the perfect place to end the series. I enjoyed T2, but I think it actually weakens the original.

As someone that has been older than Homer for years now, you are not making me feel any better about it.

It's like how singers all want to be actors and actors and all want to be singers.

If it isn't, they've made a huge mistake.

That bothered me a little too. Portia has such a wildly expressive face in the earlier seasons that the immobility was jarring.

I liked it overall, but thought it was a little uneven. Clearly this difference of opinion requires a battle that leaves only one of us alive.