
Sure. I didn't take it that way. I agree it does feel that way at times, which is why I feel the need to mock the idea mercilessly. People usually bring up the idea of red states and blue states forming their own countries, but even a red state like Texas is about about a 60/40 split between Republicans and Democrats.

It can be like India and Pakistan. Partitioning the country fixed everything.

Sure, but that suggests he is going to take the Clintonian approach. Just randomly drop some bombs on the Middle East every now and then to show he is tough, but not actually get into any wars. All the praise, none of the tedium of having to run a war.

Sure, but every Newswire looks stupid if you actually look at the facts.

True, Kids can find a reason to make fun of absolutely any name. It's a just matter if they are motivated to go after the target.

I saw that on airplane as a kid, and I sometimes forget it was a real thing and not just a stupid joke I made up.

My sincere congratulations on getting through that.

I felt oddly numb, almost hypnotized during that movie, and it wasn't until the movie ended and I got up to go to the bathroom that I realized I was trembling.

That's not too surprising. Hannibal is actively trying to make the cannibalism look tasty. The show was horrifying, but it would also make me hungry.

I don't get nauseous from FPS, but I am getting old enough that I am just starting to suck at them.

When Next Generation came around, I viewed Pulaski as the only sane person on the show.

It depresses me that it became a trailer staple. It was so powerful the first time, and it has become as cliche as Ride of the Valkyries.

I bought my DVD player the same week it came out, so having missed it in the theater and having like Pi, I picked it up sight unseen. While I thought it was a great movie, during my numb horror after watching it, I had a twinge of remorse at having just bought a movie I would never be able to sit through again.

12. The definition of "is"

Fair enough.

But an abandoned Twitter account just got hacked and hijacked!!! How many times a day does something like this happen? Think of the national security ramifications.

The Footloose Murderers should just be thankful that Trump didn't catch the whole thing on "tape". That would shut the Footloose Massacre Denialists up.

The scene did play well off the expectation we all had that was some creepy asshole.

Looking at the cartoon that was tweeted out, is a hammer and sickle really still the go-to shorthand for Russia?

That's a tough one. I have to admit that I considered suggesting who to cast in my post, but I just drew a blank.