
Same here. The scene where he coached Nina on the polygraph test was the turning point where he actually seemed to be a smart and genuinely caring person.

My first thought as well. All we need is a Little House on the Prairie reboot now.

Pan's Labyrinth of Green Gables was pretty dark as well.

My parents went there about a year ago, and my mother still hasn't stopped talking about how beautiful it is. I'm kind of bummed that this isn't shot there. When I saw the review, I was all set to recommend this to her, but I don't know if she will approve of it now.

That's the scene I most wish had been left in the actual movie. As it stands, every interaction Laura has with her family in the movie is unpleasant, which actually lessens the tragedy of the whole thing.

He is easily the non-returnee that I will miss the most. I'm glad Dana Ashbrook will be back at least. On my most recent watch of Twin Peaks, I was really impressed at what a great job he did playing Bobby. He spends a lot of the series just being a dick, but he brings something to the character that really made me

I haven't torrented in years either, and, I'm not sure what the current rules are in America, but I think we are probably in a place where there is a weird conflict of interest. I mean, my cable company is Comcast, which own NBC. If I torrent an NBC show, I am stealing from Comcast, but does Comcast really want to cut

It is a bit of shame they couldn't do more location shooting, but it is TV, so I never really expected it anyway.

"Yes. It's true. This man was eaten by a vagina."

The best part of that clip is the outburst of laughter from the crew behind the camera. They had been waiting for someone to say that for a long time.

MILD DIFFERENCE OF OPINION: I did like Ruby Rhod, but I think the character got diminishing returns by being through the whole rest of the movie. I think maybe a couple of scenes of Ruby Rhod would have been perfect.

A classic rule of writing is to start your first chapter as deep into the story as you can without causing the audience confusion. Current franchise entertainment management seems to have locked onto the idea of starting your show as far before the interesting part as you possibly can.

But it's a show about artificial intelligence and virtual realities written by people lacking in the most basic knowledge about how computers work. What could go wrong?

Oh, If this is the official "What does this font look like?" thread, let me copy over my earlier comment that better fits here.

Martha Martin? That sounds more Marvel than DC to me.

It reminds me of a '90s science-fiction trade paperback novel cover. Probably a reprint of a classic author like Philip K. DIck, Alfred Bester, or Samuel Delany that they are trying to give both a hip new look and an air of being literature.

The video is back now.

What if it was a Tyrell movie that just dealt with synthetic owls. Would that be okay?

Something a lot of '70s and '80s sci-fi movies got right was giving you a complete plot, but still leaving certain details barely touched on. The Space Jockey in Alien and the Clone Wars in Star Wars. Both movies are entirely satisfying, but you have these little evocative things that you can take home and expand in

If I was stoned, it would make me a lot more paranoid about playing with some alien critter.