
Taking this conversation from movies to books, while I liked LotR when I read it, I often feel it did more harm than good to the field of fantasy. People even talk about if it was the first real fantasy story, but it wasn't published until after WWII, and didn't get much attention in the US until the '60s.

The most fundamental flaw is that the whole story hinges on Palpatine, and he controls everything that happens for the entire trilogy. Who runs the Republic during the Clone Wars? Palpatine. Who runs the Trade Federation? Palpatine. Who has Anakin, the chosen one wrapped around his finger? Palpatine. Who wins in the

As someone that doesn't like the prequels at all, I do wish we had a Hollywood where there was more room for directors to have the power to make those kind of bad movies, as it would allow for more original good movies to get through once in a while.

No. Blaming the politics is a false reason people make up to hate The Phantom Menace. The trade negotiations people scoff at never happen. There is an explosion within seconds of the film starting, and we go straight a boring action scene of Jedi fighting robots.

I like playing the game of how I would have done something in a movie is a fun conversation topic with friends. Once someone crosses the line into the creator being objectively "wrong", then the fun starts to fade.

I don't think "Do I want to live there?" has ever had anything to do with how much I like a work of fiction personally. My ideal existence would be too bland to interest me on TV or in a movie.

Sure, but also a parole officer who is not particularly good at it.

I agree completely. The only reason I was a little resistant early in season one was that Fargo was so remarkable because of its unglamorous depiction of criminals, especially as it came out in the post-Silence of the Lambs era of genius criminals.

Sure. It didn't take me long to realize this wasn't really a Fargo-specific show, and I was fine once I adjusted expectations.

And a bonus Hugh Laurie cameo. Laurie is someone who seems like they should have shown up in a stray episode of Doctor Who but hasn't.

The movie does sound legitimately great, but the ethereal beauty of Kate Bush's music is always going to have a wider audience than what sounds like a deeply harrowing movie experience.

Legally, titles for songs, books and movies cannot be copyrighted. You have plenty of movies with the same name as each other: Gladiator, Crash, Black Sheep, Notorious, Glory, Invincible, Possession to name a few. You have movies with names from songs: Pretty Woman, Strange Magic, American Pie. You have songs that

She's working for some food website that does articles on how only cretins use Foreman grills when they aren't busy sharing their favorite spam recipes.

Same here. I've watched the show in the last year, so I didn't need a character refresher, but the info on everyone's lives since the show made this article well worth reading for me.

Moira Kelly was definitely closer to what they trying for with Donna. After seeing Fire Walk with Me, the next time I watched the early episodes of the series, most of Donna's scenes worked so much better imagining Moira Kelly in them.

Sure, but Fargo has a different sensibility than any of those movies you mentioned. While the Coen Brothers do frequently make movies with a very heightened reality, Fargo wasn't one of those. People really believed Fargo was a true story when it came out, while Raising Arizona, Barton Fink and O Brother Where Art

I was wondering if that was an idle threat they were using to get him to give in. I suspect it was as they backed off the idea so easily when it didn't change his mind.

The involvement of Veridian Dynamics was foreshadowed last season with Mike Milligan reciting Jabberwocky.

Horror is also a good place for brevity. Horror and comedy are both movies where you are trying to push a specific emotional button over and over for most of the movie, which means the audience can start to numb to it if you go on too long.

Running time is my biggest complaint with most comedies nowadays. If you go over 90 minutes in a comedy, you better be sure every moment is worth keeping. Movies in general are overlong now, but comedies suffer the most from being too long.