
Close enough.

Fine. We'll go with "Electric Youth".

This show turned into Alias so gradually I didn't even notice.

Elizabeth is still more dutiful than Philip, but she sure isn't the True Believer that she was back when the show started.


I will give you that. Watching Mike in operation is always interesting. It was just a lot of time to get to a foregone conclusion. We get so little of this show a year that I want every second to count!

Philip's whole life is about compartmentalization.

It's still going to be a big stain on Stan if this all comes out. There is no way an FBI counterintelligence agent living next to his best friend the KGB spy can fail to hurt Stan's career, even if nothing criminal is found about it.

My Two Marthas

It's generally a good idea to be single when planning a wedding.

Tales of a Second Grade Nazi by Judy Blume

He likes to think he can Nazi well, but I bet the real Nazis would have just laughed at him.

For all the cover identities we see them in, I tend to think of Phillip and Elizabeth as their real selves. The wedding scene forced me to remember that Phillip and Elizabeth are just the cover identities that Mikhail and Nadezhda use the most. The following scene of them as Phillip and Elizabeth out with Stan and his

As amazing as Better Call Saul is, it is mainly just meant as entertainment. The Americans is aspiring to be an examination of the Cold War on a personal level and what it did to people. It makes me think about the world in a new way much like The Wire did.

I can't wait to see who shits where on Fargo tonight!

Phillip isn't strong enough to stop it, but the whole thing bothers Phillip a lot, if only because of the bullying he suffered as a child. Whether it makes Phillip better or worse because he understands the horrible things he is involved in is an interesting question.

It's funny because I didn't trust or like Tuan at all in his early episodes because there was an air of falseness to him. It's part of the genius of the show that the falseness I sense was him faking being a hard, dedicated agent and underneath that there was a level of normal, scared kid who cares about other people.

Doing cruel shit that you later regret is a common part of being a teenager, as it is easy to not really understand how you affect people. Most people do realize this as they age and become better. Pushing someone to suicide is about the worst possible way to really understand how your actions affect other people.

Telling his wife is some of the biggest evidence of what a fool Pastor Tim is, considering he wasn't turning the Jennings in. He's created a situation where if the KGB decides to just mop up the whole situation, his wife is going to die

I like how quickly Phillip was started to leave. "Right. Nothing to hear here."