
I don't find Mike dull, but the Mike plot this season was dragged out. Mike spent too whole episodes to reveal Fring as the guy he was tracking. That's fine and all, but the show's whole publicity was around that fact that Fring was showing up, so there couldn't possibly been a less surprising outcome to all the

What if he has an image enhancer that can bitmap?

Exactly. The thing with the battery was enough all by itself to prove what Jimmy needed to prove. Chuck's rant just made it clear that he was out to get Jimmy.

I wondered if he was planting an actual cell phone on Chuck so that it might ring while he was on the stand, making it look like he was faking his condition. However, the actual plan of convincing everyone his plan was real and it was a mental illness was even crueler.

Of course, the idea of taking a goldfish to the vet is pretty damn funny all by itself.

But I am really looking forward to getting to whole episodes about him working at Cinnabon!!! We need to plot to move faster!!!

Garfield and Stone really worked well together in the first Webb movie, which made it frustrating that they kept the two of them apart for most of the second movie, then killed off Gwen Stacey. Any sensible person would have looked at the first movie, seen how well the leads worked together and made that a big part of

Sure. I agree with that. I think Howard saw how Jimmy's genuine caring for Chuck could be used against him, but I think Howard saw it more as a way of Jimmy weaseling out of disbarment. I don't think Howard saw Chuck completely losing his shit.

I'm just going to play with the aspect ration when he is on-screen.

This was an episode with no real surprises, and they seemed to get that. It played out with the brutal inevitability of Greek drama. You know that Chuck's hubris is going to destroy him, but it is still fascinating watching the process unfold.

To put it in the geekiest terms possible, Jimmy is Chaotic Good and Chuck is Lawful Evil.

I don't think that Howard forgot how much Jimmy cared about Chuck. He's been impressed by that the whole series. I think that was what was really on Howard's mind when he tried to talk Chuck out of testifying. It's true that the papers being at his house was a real issue, but I think it was secondary for Howard. It

While I doubt they crashed it on purpose, I expect the current FCC is perfectly happy to have the conduit the populace uses to communicate with them go down.

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On that note, I'd like to point out to Hollywood that one of the surprise hits of recent years was Guardians of the Galaxy, which had a trailer that was almost all content not seen in the movie. It introduced the characters in an entertaining fashion, gave you a sense of the tone, and then just a quick montage from

Don't even suggest it. The whole thing is scary enough without him buying a mask to bring her to life.

Exactly. Being a chameleon-like character actor is impressive, but it isn't essential to being an iconic movie star. The ability to play only one role is just fine if it is good one.

That makes some sense, but they can upload a different video for the ad and for their Youtube channel.

Reeves doesn't have enormous range, but for roles within his range, he is great. That's all that matters.

I need to learn to look away when I start a trailer and not look back until the dramatic burst of sound from from the trailer's trailer ends.