
That's my feeling. I am excited for a science-fiction movie from Villeneuve regardless of its connection any property.

I continue to be deeply annoyed this trend of giving trailers an intro where they show all the most visually interesting moments and ruin the impact they would have had if you let them unfold naturally in the trailer.

You need to remove all the punctuation from that quote.

There were a lot of allegations of the US and Japan using biological weapons in the Korean War. They were big news at the time, but they have kind of dropped out of history.

The concept of American exceptionalism is precisely why this kind of crap can happen.

It's one thing if a celebrity wants to do an article where they share their tips, but featuring someone like this without their knowledge is really creepy.

Yes. Michaels' aversion to spontaneity in both sketches and musical acts makes me wonder why he ever wanted to do the show in this format in the first place.

I think early Letterman still holds up pretty well though. Letterman was never really cool in any traditional sense. He was very much his own prickly self, and while it will never be for everyone, it holds up better than early SNL does for me.

Rejecting what came before was considered an automatic virtue at the time by young people, and it resulted in a lot of babies going out the the bathwater.

Noel nails the difference when he talks about the Conway/Korman dentist sketch. When Korman breaks, they work that energy into the scene. When Fallon would break on SNL, it just meant there was this kid standing on stage, giggling in the corner. It only detracted from the scene.

"Serious" comedy of the type Michaels seemed to aspire to can certainly work. SCTV and Mr. Show both come to mind as sketch shows where the characters are taken seriously enough to have pathos at times. It never surprised me when Bob Odenkirk made the jump to prestige TV dramas as there were plenty of Mr. Show

When Shadow stopped in what was supposedly Shakamak State Park last episode, it also looked nothing like Indiana.

I suppose that might count as a lip sink contest.

Nothing is sadder than taking out the Cinnabon trash.

Of course! The answer is daddy issues.

Hannibal and Czernobog would have a lot to talk about.

I agree it was better than the premiere. Not that I didn't love the premiere. Last episode was Shadow realizing his old life was in ruins, and this episode was him starting to accept the bizarre new turn his life has taken. It gave this episode more momentum.

It's just perfect scoring. It sets the mood perfectly but rarely call attention to itself. It's just part of the show.

Hey, it was the kind with dill, not just any wheel of havarti. Not even a god could resist that.

Nope. He'd break and giggle just before he got sucked in and ruin the scene. Still not watching.