
Clearly you haven't heard the new backstory on the teapot.

Same here. I read it when it first came out, and back when I was smoking a lot of pot, so my memories are pretty impressionistic. For example, I have my mental images from the scene in the apartment tonight, but I have no recollection of how it plays out.

I had no idea this show was available that early. I need to remember that next week.

He's better at selling people on burning themselves alive than he is at selling 7-Up. That's for sure.

The line works in the book, but I don't think it would have worked as well in the show's version the scene. Keeping Shadow off-balance as quip-free lead better into the next scene with him talking with Wednesday in the diner.

As long as you being boring is an indication this show is still fantastic, I look forward to you boring me every week.

I sort of get not expecting people to remember a companion from 40 years ago, but Harry was in both The Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks, which are possibly the two episodes of the classic series that the new series calls back to. It's only been two episodes since the last reference to The Ark in Space and we

Martha got such a great send-off with the scene where she walked out of the TARDIS, I'd say easily the best send-off any companion on the new series got. The inexplicable scene with her and Mickey running around fighting Sontarans undercut it a little, but I just pretend that never happened.

Nobody is harsher on the AV Club than the regular commenters.

It was fucking unimaginable. I had a kid in my class whose dad had 12 Roll Royce's. Another had a Lamborghini, and when it broke down, he just ditched it on the side of the freeway because it wasn't worth the hassle to tow to the garage.

Nobody in the US if persecuting Kuwaitis. The Republicans went to war with Iraq to put the Kuwaitis back in power because the Kuwaitis pay them.

Yes. I lived in Kuwait for years, and Sharia Law is basically an an America conservative's wet dream with the one exception that the War on Christmas was a real thing there.

I'm kind of sad that I haven't gotten one yet.



"I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned him, and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, 'I helped skin Bob.'"

"Several companies are also discussing adapting the suitcases for delivery purposes, sending them off, sans human operator, to bring people their shopping or food. "

The two messages dovetail nicely.

The Bush example was at a political event, not on a TV show. Cheney's hot mic wasn't live on TV either. The argument wasn't that Bush or Cheney did it on TV. The argument was that the manner of speech used by the president was surely within modern community standards, so the FCC had no right to suppress it.

That is already happening in some countries.