
It's probably less obnoxious to quote than the more famous Austin lines because it is so understated. Most Austin Power catchphrases are something you shout.

Sure, but if he went after the banks while he was president, he wouldn't be pulling in those $400,000/hr. speaking engagement checks from banks. You can't expect him to survive on the $200,000 pension we taxpayers give him.

I don't like the term "failure" for it. That suggest he had some kind of intent to do anything else and didn't achieve it. LIke you say, he easily could have shut that down, but he was perfectly happy to keep the fucking thing running.

Sound design is hugely important. Still technical awards are a place where the Academy likes to give an award to movies that clearly were the best of the year, yet fail to qualify as the simple-minded prestige pap that tends to get nominated for Best Picture.

Breaking News! 40-year-old movie has great sound effects!

Amazon was counting on Trump succeeding in cutting all federal funding for museums, thus flooding the market with cheap curators. Since that failed, they are cutting their HBO subscription to hire curators at the exorbitant rates they usually charge.

La Boheme is the first one I saw live, so it has a special place for me as well. I'd already heard a lot of opera working in the back at my mother's ballet wear store as a teen, hearing it playing over the speaker on the stockroom phone while I sorted leotards, but surprisingly, it sounded a lot better performed live.

Drifting off to sleep to wonderful music is actually a really nice experience. It shouldn't be immediately considered to be a form of dislike.

I can't argue with that.

"Stop the presses and alert the Algonquin Round Table, as the following news will surely be the cat’s pajamas throughout the local speakeasies and jazz halls! "

Bringing Jonah Hex up, it's really movies where weird westerns have completely failed. Jonah Hex was a good comic, and when it comes to books, you've got great stuff by Joe Lansdale (who wrote some Jonah Hex too), and The Haunted Mesa. by Louis L'Amour of all people, is a fun weird western with ancient Anasazi gates

That part was pretty cool, and the graphics weren't bad for the time. It was just that the platforming element wasn't fun at all.

I'm sure the line could work fine in context. It just made me laugh, and it was the last line of the trailer, so it was what came out when I made my first comment.

I read that immediately on its release, and I know what you are saying about Tommyknockers. Near the end it is just some crazy sci-fi B-movie. It's silly, but I dug it as a teen, even if took a long damn to get to that point.

I guess they went with For a Few Dollars More because it already has that sound of happy song made slow, melancholy and spooky that trailer makers love so much.

If we are limited to movies and you actually expect them to be good, I've got Ravenous and … um, ……

You're fine then.

Good point. It's fine when you lose King's vision but get Kubrick's. It's less satisfying when you lose King's vision and get what looks like Hollywood boilerplate.

My hazy memories of that book are mostly of a woman alone digging up a massive UFO with one friend dropping by occasionally.

The Tommyknockers didn't have any characters that have really stayed with me either, which supports the argument that the characters are what make the bloat worthwhile.