
Sorry to disappoint you, but Leonard is gay, but Hap is not, and Hap isn't Leonard's type anyway.

I have to agree. I wouldn't use the term "bold" to describe it. I tend to think of bold performance as the kind of thing that Gilpin was dong. Still, I think Whittle's performance is perfect for the part so far.

Adam Smith, the founder of free market theory, would be considered a goddamn communist by the modern Republican party, He understood the need for regulation.

Some of the believe that, but I'd say that most of them just like having a seemingly moral narrative to justify how they can be good Christians and still roll around in their Scrooge McDuck money vaults. The main concern here is wanting an excuse to not be charitable. They start their and then latch on to religious

Huh. That interview doesn't exactly make him seem endearing.

Medicinal cannabis would actually help my condition (the illness, I mean, not being an asshole), but in my state medical marijuana is only allowed for the terminally ill, not the chronically ill.

Have we seen them yet in this show though? I really hope we do get a scene between Chuck and Huell though. If you though things get intense when Hector and Gus face off….

Her acting doesn't seem great ,but she has presence. As long as the director and script keep her in her comfort zone and the supporting cast is good, I think it could work.

I thought the message of Breaking Bad was that people with disabilities truly understand the value of a balanced breakfast more than anyone.

I have a chronic illness, and if anything, it has made me more of an asshole.

When Jimmy was assuring Kim he had the best guy lined up for the job I had an enormous amount of uncertainty. I was really hoping it was Mike, but I was worried it might be video buddies. When it actually turned out to be the best guy, I breathed an audible sigh of relief.

The connection between the two halves of this episode was Gus seeming to get boxed into a corner by Hector, and Kim and Saul seemed to get boxed in by Chuck, yet Gus, Kim and Saul all seem to be exactly where they want to be. It's hard waiting for next week for this to all pay off.

This is Starz. I am sure he will ultimately get even more naked here.

I didn't say I didn't like it here. I just find the AV Club promoting Milo to be surprising.

I always thought steamed clams was more of an Albany thing.

Sure its hard to fix, but just because it has been broken for a hundred years doesn't mean we can't get it working again. We need to get past liberal negativity.

Well, more likely, he did a whole interview with the AV Club, and rather than run the whole thing, they just picked out the one quote they could use to stir shit and ran it in isolation.

What interview? It doesn't cite another article, so it seems like Neil Gaiman just had this one thing to say to the AV Club.

Why the fuck is the AV Club promoting it, for that matter?

As a McShane fan going back to Lovejoy, this is McShane at his best.