
Soon you won't even be able to bring up Terry Sweeney without people giving you a blank look!

Maybe so. It just seems very unprofessional to bring a workplace disagreement where you got your way out into public like that. Fuller is going to get a lot of shit over this.

Honestly, this whole thing makes me question Gaiman's motives. If the Fuller had gone against his wishes, I could see Gaiman calling him out like this, but the scene was as Gaiman wanted. I have to wonder what axe Gaiman has to grind with Fuller here that made him want to set the Internet Hate Machine on him.

It's a different role than anything I have seen in him before, but I actually think there is a solid chance he could nail it.

Since I watched it recently, it reminded me of Sheryl Lee's performance in Fire Walk with Me, which I consider high praise.

I have to wonder how happy Gaiman is about this adaptation overall. Bringing this fight he already won out in the open seems to be brewing a nasty backlash against Green and Fuller. I can't think any reason to bring this out unless he has some degree of hostility to the show or its creators.

Sam Raimi probably would have used a little more restraint.

Gilpin was fantastic. The events of the scene were completely predictable, but her performance was so raw that it was absolutely riveting and suspenseful despite that. Women may have had less screen time so far, but that scene alone made it clear that this show is invested in the female characters.

I can see them not wanting to pay writers for two reviews, but they could still have a kind of Spoiler Space with no real article, but just to give a second comment section.

Sony is busy filling out a Sandman Cinematic Universe with movies centering on all your favorite characters like Paul McGuire, Daniel Bustamente and Squatterbloat.

I've been telling myself for the last year that it is perfectly fine Hannibal is gone because this was on the way. I am very pleased to find that I wasn't lying to myself.

The opening scene was basically Valhalla Rising in five minutes.

I've never seen Ricky Whittle in anything before, and I avoided trailers since I knew I didn't need to be sold on this. Whittle is perfectly cast in this. He's not giving the flashiest performance, but he is holding the show together effortlessly.

That's right. Boko Haram.

You aren't going to hear anything nice about Clinton from either.

The defense I have gotten so far is, "Well, all the corrupt politicians do it too. It's only fair to let the good guys get a reward as well!"

Exactly, Just like you said, it's always been Baulderstone. I got my username from those books, I should know!

While most of it works fine as a side serving, I really wish the additional scenes with Laura and her family had been put back into the movie itself. The additional nuance they add makes the whole thing more powerful.

The first half of season 2 is possibly better than the first season, so no need to be concerned yet. Fire Walk With Me is one of my favorite movies, and the Missing Pieces really do enhance it.

Sure. But look at the results. Bush pretended all the extreme stuff he was going was just normal, and he accomplished almost every horrible thing he set out to do. Trump is being an open shithead, and he can't even get his own party to work with him.