
Well, we live in the universe where Obama is giving $500,000/hr speeches to investment bankers, so I guess it all worked out well for him, at least.

Keep in mind, the Doctor never really conceded to Clara on that issue. In fact, Clara went the other way, seeing herself on the level of the Doctor. That ended very badly, but as you say, there is no reason to believe the Doctor clearly remembers any of that.

And FX kept it running, which is a reason I trust them to back quality.

FX is a cable channel, so it has no actual censorship, although it does have its own standards, but they aren't particularly strict. They don't allow full frontal nudity, but both The Americans and Fargo have come very close. The Americans has violence every bit as unsettling as that diner issue in Sandman.

"When Ferrell sauntered out, cigarette in hand, it played a more like a redemption tour for Dubya (“How do you like me now?”), perhaps not the best sentiment for Bee to be peddling 100 days into the most damaging presidency of modern history."

I'll see what I can do.

I'd be comfortable with FX doing it as well. They seem to like hiring good showrunners and just staying out of their way.

The real problem is that the digressions in Sandman are largely the point. It's a story about stories, which means you need to episodic freedom to tell a lot of individual stories. Hypothetically, you can do a lot of digressive stories in three movies, but if this movie has any budget at all, they will all need to

Fuller is my first choice, but I will also accept Hawley.

There are two considerations here. First of all, the story is just a better fit for the long-form of television. Secondly, we are in an era when TV shows can be far more intelligent and creative than movies. I want a Sandman adaptation as well made as Legion, and there is almost no chance that can happen in a movie.

On that note, remember that Bush gave a speech after 9/11 telling us it was our national duty to go shopping.

I'm sure the Ohio Gang could teach Trump a thing or two as well.

I'll give you incompetent, but not-self-serving. Don't forget that Bush's wars were largely Cheney's attempts to funnel money to Halliburton and Blackwater., and beyond those direct payouts, $12 billion of taxpayer money sent in cash to Iraq was unaccounted for, the greatest loss of money in history. How much of that

Is Trump hard to understand? I can't think of a person who is more base and obvious in everything he does. Maybe Homer Simpson. Maybe.

Look at Iraq and tell me we are even close to digging out of W's shitheap.

I'm surprised Perkins didn't demand a piece of the action. He's going to lose his grip on SNL-adjacent newswires. This was also a perfect one to remind us that Trump was on SNL that time.

Nonsense. Bush made torture okay again. He made it okay for the US government to engage in widespread spying on its own people. These were things that were simply NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE as recently as 20 years ago, and the Bush Administration was able to push them into place. Bush and Cheney made their evil so

It shows just how dumb people are. All the shit going on with ISIS now is directly due to Bush. The house is still in the process of burning down and people are already looking back fondly on that time that scamp W played with a book of matches.

People have short memories. The Bush Administration was a lot scarier because they were competent and were able to get Congress to jump in line and pass whatever they wanted, whether it was the Patriot Act, the invasion of Iraq, Guantanamo, and engaging in widespread torture.

I'd like think that Scott made the comment with a self-deprecating laugh, but who can tell.