
Good point.

I had one instead of an Atari, at least until I bought an Atari off a friend a few years later for $20 when he got sick of it. I did like the Odyssey better on the whole.

I had the fantasy one, Quest for the Rings. When you went into a castle on the board, you used the keyboard to select the type of castle, the type of monster, and your class, and then you played out the encounter on the console.

I had one too. The games that were board game/console games used the keyboard and had cool, thematic keyboard overlays. Other than the KC Munchkin level editor that @prestidigititis:disqus brings up, I can't think of any other games that used it.

FOX is also FX. I can't see them being happy if the rest of the seasons of The Americans or Fargo end up free online.

That kind of weakness will buy us time for Scott to break out his 9mm and finish them off.

It's a tough sell to make a Jabba fetish into something endearing, but somehow Diego Luna manages it.

If she had stayed in Indiana, I could see it.

Unlike the fine manufacturers of Hormel Black Label Bacon, the AV Club is under no obligation to clearly disclose the ingredients on the label. Not that Hormel only does it comply with food labelling laws. Hormel take pride in using only the finest sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrate in every package that bears

The fact that was the formative erotic image of my adolescence says far too much about me.

At long last, someone I can share my true feelings about Y'golonac with. So few people understand that erotic appeal of Clark Ashton Smith's writings.

It would have been nice to see a Fuller trek series, but I'm just as excited about American Gods. I wasn't completely in love with the book, but the blending of Gaiman and Fuller should be amazing.

And only if they possess the zaftig quality of a Renaissance model.

If my dad kept porn around, he hid it well. I had to make do with glossy art books books of Renaissance paintings and the AD&D Monster Manual.

My interest in these books was thankfully short-lived. My girlfriend pushed them on me, around the time Tale of the Body Thief came out, so I read the first two and agreed with her that these were pretty great. Then I read the third and it had its moments. Then I read Tale of the Body Thief, and I was done. The whole

That could be, but I suspect it was more of a case that Fuller saw early on that the people in charge had no idea what they were doing and got out while he could. This is more than a lack of vision. Lack of vision would have just gotten us an on-time, bland show. This is active incompetence.

Jodorowsky's Star Trek.

Fuller is looking smarter every day for getting out of this project early.

Seems that way…