
I don't think the couch gag actually said these were our favorite episodes. I think this is a more typical case of an AV Club headline being wrong. Or maybe there were being sarcastic. I don't even know anymore.

As for item e., both the first Bush and Bill Clinton campaigned on being the guy you can trust to put black people away in prison, and they both actually kept that campaign promise. The '90s were plenty racist.

I get that it truly isn't real, that it is a dream, but dreams feel like they have stakes even if they don't. In fact, when large chunks of your movie are dreams, it is even more important to give them weight.

They had the misfortune to be a great classic rock band at the time it was on its last gasp. I'd gone through my teens during the era of inescapable Classic Rock stations. I was so burned out on it that it made it hard to appreciate that they were damn good at it.

I've enjoyed post-Amadeus movies of his in the moment, but the crowd-pleasing template he used was far too visible.

That Sucker Punch actually underlines what I don't like about Snyder. The first swing made at Baby Doll send her flying 50 feet is hard enough that she craters into the ground. Aside from being shaken up a little, she isn't hurt in the least. Snyder has just established that there are no stakes in this fight. Baby

I was in college in Indiana at the time they were big,and it never seemed to have any special place in the frat culture of the time. It seemed more popular with the stoner/neo-hippie types than the frat boys.

She isn't at the top of my hate list, but I can't consider anyone who makes money selling snake oil to be inoffensive. On top of that, the insulting, dismissive crap she says about anyone who can't afford her luxurious lifestyle is the very definition of "offensive".

Both her parents were in the film business, so she has lived her whole life in the show business bubble. She is basically Willow Smith, all grown up.

I enjoyed her dismissive quote about Reese Witherspoon's romantic comedy in the context of Paltrow later doing four Marvel movies.

That is their insidious plan.

I work for a non-profit providing art education, and I do support its mission. However, we spend no time at all indoctrinating each other about our mission because it is obvious. I think the amount of time a company spends convincing employees they have a worthy mission is conversely related to the value of the

I worked for a company that got bought out by another company that engaged in illegal stock manipulation to close the deal. When we were folded into the company, we had to undergo a patronizing ethics course about how this fraudulent company had a higher standard of ethics than we were used to, and we needed to adapt.

I have a relative that works for a corporation that is big on achieving "consensus" at meetings, which in practical terms meant that when your boss decides to do something, it is mandatory to state your support for their idea so if it blows up, it's as much your fault as theirs. "We did have consensus this is the way

That's a rapidly declining source of energy. How many meals is one dead human going to provide?

A lot of the newer writers here are prone to snark purely for snark's sake, and MYOF could be scathing, but there was always an attempt to re-examine a flop and see if there was anything of value there. Even when I didn't agree with his assessment, I always believed that it was Rabin's genuine take on the subject

A rich guy using his fortune to punish people is a lot more believable than him using to help his city out.

Also, if you are using people as a power source, what is powering the people? People get power by eating plants or eating animals that eat plants. Plants use solar power.

I'm basing it on years of working with the public.

Yeah, we can make those friendly TSA folks into flight attendants.