
Disembarking the passenger is quicker overall. If there is no enforcement against people using the lavatory before the plane takes off, people will do it more freely, and countless planes will be delayed.

Yeah, Fuck this guy, There has always been a very good reason why people can't use the toilet before take-off, and if airlines stop enforcing it, it's going to be standard practice for plans to be delayed, because one guy decided to take a shit.

I had a similar experience where I was late for a connection, and was out of breath and stressed when I got to security. The guy there asked what was up, and I said I was in a hurry. The guy actually said he has never seen anyone stress out about missing a plane before. I had no idea what to say to that, and just

No. You have that completely backwards. It is a sequel to Prometheus, but it basically isn't.

Dawn Treader was my favorite, and I understand it is one of the hardest to make into a movie, but they really went about it in a way I didn't care for at all.

Given that The Magician's Nephew is a prequel origin story, how has Hollywood been able to resist making it?

Thus the "relatively". Let's just say they are no worse off than they began the series.

I think the two comments actually do work together. If you burn off all your pre-fame friends by being an asshole, you have little chance of making new ones and spiral further and further out in assholishness.

Seriously. I save all my stupidest thoughts for posting here.

So true. If it had turned out she had died of an overdose, his comments would have been completely tasteful, and everyone would be complimenting him on them now.

Thanks, Benjamin Franklin.

Maybe he just wanted an excuse to say Swoosie Kurtz while he was high. Swoosie Kurtz.

I remember someone saying that it says a lot about a celebrity if they still have any friends from before they were famous.

I think if you consider yourself part of a cyberpunk community in 2017, you are hardcore by default.

In my experience, most people that consider themselves cyberpunk fans are more into stuff like Shadowrun than Gibson.

Thinking further, this guy already has a more valuable role in the show as a local prosecutor. One Jimmy goes Full Saul, this is the guy he is going to be facing off with.

Tatum was offered a perfectly good "also" credit, but he is a stubborn bastard.

It's actually a supernatural entity that feeds on the moping of others, kind of like how It feeds on fear.

Even if it was just him appearing again in a future court scene as someone working for Davis & Main, it would still be weird. The whole point of Davis & Main in the story is that it is the ultimate dream job for most lawyers in the area. Having this guy get a job there would undermine the point that it is something

That if you go to a place where other people live already with the stated intention of building another nation there, you can't feign innocence when they try to kill you.