
What Jimmy did was wrong in changing the documents, but that was Jimmy reaching his breaking point after Chuck constantly, and usually, covertly seeking to undermine Jimmy over the course of the whole show.

Madonna's torrid affair with Weird Al has also been documented in a movie as well.

YOU calm down! Florida isn't going to annex itself!

It's interpretation, but I felt nothing real in Chuck's defense of Jimmy. It felt like Slippin' Chucky was just trying to sell the prosecutor on the deal where Jimmy gets disbarred by presenting it as a kindness, and not a premeditated plan that he had been working away at for weeks.

And those savage Red Indians started murdering settlers long before they started moving west of the Appalachians or even before the establishment of the United States

-The A.V. Club

If you expect reasonable rates, there is no way the AV Club is going to hire you.

He may have some good intentions in thinking Jimmy really is too unethical to be a lawyer, but I don't see any real love for Jimmy in him at all.

Fuck that. He's been sabotaging Jimmy's law career since the day he passed the bar. Yeah. Jimmy has done some shitty things, but none of them are worth the systematic attempts Chuck was making to ruin Jimmy while Jimmy was talking time every day to care for him.

Badger and Skinny Pete seemed okay at the end of Breaking Bad. Relatively.

Mike probably couldn't even get a pizza on a roof.

We just need that grocery shopping episode. I mean, I really enjoyed him buying a gas cap, but that just felt like a tease for the main event.

I was already thinking about how Chuck was going to fire Ernie last week. Deep down, I am sure that Chuck used Ernie because simply because Ernie likes Jimmy, and that is reason enough to punish him.

Jimmy sending people to Belize isn't even a remote possibility at this stage of his life. Chuck is the guy who is delivering the kicks that will make him the guy who proposes sending people to Belize.

"Speaking of Oakley, he’s kinda obsessed with Davis & Main, which makes me wonder if he’ll hook up with them somehow in the future, or try to. First he remarks on Jimmy’s idiocy in leaving that firm, then he asks if they might be hiring, and finally asks if Jimmy got to keep the company car."

That's exactly who I meant. Got my wires crossed there.

I had four hours of travel time by bus today, and it was a lot more fun than it should have been thanks to having those episodes in reserve. It allowed me to really savor the time.

GIven that wearing the armor means they just CGI him in during post, and RDJ gets just do voiceover and few head closeups, you'd think he would be pushing for all armor, all the time.

While DC is heavier than anything I would touch today, I did have fun playing it at the time. On the other hand, when a friend of mine would run Champions, I would always fall asleep through the first fight scene, wake up six hours laters and find that I had missed one round of the same fight.

While I don't think anyone thinks Civil War had the kind of emotional punch that Empire did, it was a similar kind of ending. The whole Zemo plot resolved, giving it the feeling of an ending, but Cap remained an outlaw, leaving a thread to be picked up later.