
To me, his Muslim ban being challenged by the courts and his plan to scuttle health care dying in Congress are the really big shit. Is he lining his pockets and giving his family unearned positions. Fuck yeah, he is, but every mediocre family member he sticks in his administration makes it less likely he will

So far, the courts haven't hesitated to strike down his executive orders, and Congress, the people that make laws, have shown they have no interest in doing anything Trump wants. In probably the biggest blow by Trump standards, laws also pushed Trump to pay out a big settlement for Trump University

The catch is that Trump would need to actually build the power structure of this autocracy himself. I'm sure that Trump could run an autocracy in his own inept fashion if his dad had left one to him, but he doesn't seem to have the skills to create one.

Look at fancy Mr. Shinkansen with his imported Japanese N model trains. HO isn't good enough for you, huh? Well, at least you aren't into that commie TT stuff.

I think Trump might want to master the presidential basics of getting a single piece of legislation part a Congress controlled by his own party before he crowns himself Supreme Emperor.

I agree. That's kind of why it bugged me. They had already established this was one of the few ships of refugees from Earth. The stakes were already high. There wasn't any need to up the stakes to saying it was all of humanity partway through.

I meant it more in the sense that The Master is obsessed with his own immortality. The Doctor being willing to risk the universe to resurrect his companion is a little less selfish, but only a little.

Good observation.

My hope is that the badness of Torchwood is partly a product of it starting as an RTD project that he realized he had no time for and offloaded on Chibnall. That's not an ideal situation, so I'm reluctant hold it against him too much, especially when he did Broadchurch when left to do his own thing.

I thought that "medtech" was a straight "Ark in Space" reference, but I wasn't sure I had it straight. Thanks for the confirmation.

I liked Clara by the last season, but then they squandered it by having the Doctor willing to risk the whole universe to resurrect her. Risking the whole universe for resurrection is something I associate more with the Master than the Doctor.

Speaking of figuring out there were humans on the ship, I do need to ding this episode for having Bill see the kid and say, "Doctor, I have to tell you something." then let it drop. He is trying to blow the thing up. Just say, "There are people on board!!!"

I can't help but think we just saw the origin of Cybermen in this universe.

I was actually drawing a blank on his name when I was typing that, and I was too lazy to look it up. I have nothing against Harry. He was a perfectly serviceable companion. He just wasn't in the same category as Sarah Jane.

It threw me off as I took it to seriously as a plot point and not a joke about silly sci-fi architecture.

It's technically the same era of human history. I guess we can see the Smilers as an attempt to render emoticons for the retro-British vibe of the Starship UK.

I always caught Baker episodes at random as a kid, and it was only a few years ago that I sat down and watched them in proper order. It was kind of amazing to me that both "The Ark in Space" and "The Genesis of the Daleks" were both just small parts of one very long "day" for the Doctor and Sarah Jane.

I'm with you on that. Only two episodes in, she has already established herself as a great companion. She's strong enough to be the glue that holds the show together through a new Doctor and new showrunner.

I wish they hadn't given us the early scene where we see colonists being killed. It robbed us of the change to experience the place the way the Doctor and Bill were. It's like they didn't have confidence that we could simply enjoy the Doctor and Bill's chemistry as they explored the place and gradually realized

True. CGI is notorious for aging badly, and the bleeding edge of 2010 might look lackluster today. It might be like that Warcraft movie from last year.