
True. I was a little relieved to see it show up here though, as I was worried there was something personal I had done to make Google think this was my kind of thing.

Yeah. I am involved in the running of art shows, so I am well aware of that it is just short of bronze.

Huh. This showed up in my Recommended For You section on Youtube this morning. I wonder what algorithmic shift has caused this to rise from the depths of the Internet.

I never got around to seeing that until last year, and not only was I surprised at how much I liked it, I was a little saddened that nobody had been pushing me to watch it. That's a movie that needs more love.

I guess it is one of the things about casting. I can make rules all day about what I demand in the casting of a particular character, but someone can always come along with an inspired choice that lies outside those rules.

Well, if you are picturing him as an administrative figure, let's cast him as Dean Lerner in the role of Thornton Reed as Rassilon, President of Gallifrey, who calls in the Doctor for a lecture from time to time.

As an aside, I belatedly got around to watching the new episode last night, and she really won me over as someone that knew nothing about her before. The preview clips looked like they might be going for something a little wacky with her, but she is already a well-rounded interesting person.

I think Capaldi was pushing it, actually. That's why I really want a unknown or at least somewhat obscure person this time.

Capaldi was already pushing it as a known commodity. Getting two people in a row that I knew well would make me worried that the would never chance the franchise on an obscure person again.

I haven't seen that movie in a long time, and somehow that entire plotline has fallen entirely out of my head since then.

She's actually a little too high profile for someone I would pick. I wouldn't object at all. She would be good. It's just more fun when a new Doctor is someone you barely know.

Kris Marshall. I don't actually remember him from the movie, which probably isn't a good sign he'd make a great Doctor.

Surely TV Tropes has a "Gender Switch" page he can send his kid to and avoid having to engage with them in any way.

What I find most egregious about Lauer is the way he often pulls out his tough-guy news persona when interviewing celebrities over some petty scandal, yet that side of him is never there when he interviews politicians or anyone with any kind of power.

I have the same problem. I had to actually google the release date to confirm my memory. I graduated in 1990, which makes it easier to delineate the 80s and 90s, but this one still messes with me.

Same with me. I was intrigued by The Smiths the first time I heard them, but it did take me a little while to completely warm up to them. The Cure won me over right away. The girl that sat behind me in my freshman English class slipped me a copy of Staring at the Sea at the end of the year, and when I got home to

MIdnight Oil has the kind of painful, preachy earnestness that only a teenager can like.

I can't imagine you will regret it.

It's not one of my favorite Cure songs, but the backlash on it was really overwrought. It is odd to accuse an artist for a lack of integrity for expressing a human diversity of emotional tone over the course of their career. If they had focused entirely on the gloomier side of their music, that would have been a more

I'm a 1990 graduate as well, and I did a double take when Gwen identified 1987 as the year The Cure completely lost it.