
He looks like a mugger from an old Spider-Man comic.

I'm starting to have second thoughts about the new line of Manhands™ pens I am about to release.

It was indeed. I do have to wonder how many of those businesses he talks about with "No Google Glass" signs had security cameras though.

Well, that's the standard Trump uses for most of what he says, so it that's the guy you want to be.

Sure, but the end result is that NYT did an article with the same interest in accuracy as Donald Trump. I can appreciate the irony, but it's only funny because the New York Times is sinking to Trump's level of honesty, and then the laughter kind of dies in my throat.

You might buy into the kind of bullshit reasoning Fox News tries to use, but getting your facts wrong is getting your facts wrong. I don't care if it is Fox News, the A.V. Club or some random commenter here. You deserve criticism for spreading false information, and you don't get off the hook by hiding behind being

And I have watched that.

Do we have so little to criticize Trump about that we need to go after him for calling out the New York Times (and the AV Club) for running an incorrect story?

I still haven't seen that after all these years, and I still feel justified in my decision.

Most of them are actually worse.

I didn't think this was bad, but it is easy pickings to highlight the Clarice/Hannibal romance which is the actual subtext of the film.

And none of these ever live up to the Shining trailer that kicked off this whole trend.

Good example. First Class was refreshing because it actually had a lot of conflict that was grounded in the characters rather than MacGuffins and outside threats. They really have squandered a perfectly good reboot there.

"Smaller" is the thing for me. Some more movies on a personal scale as opposed to the whole world being threatened every week. Getting into Marvel in the '70s and '80s, the whole appeal of the line was that it was somewhat more grounded and personal than DC.

The new Spider-Man movie trailer gives us a Peter Parker who is really eager to get into the Avengers, then he loses Tony Stark's confidence and apparently tries to regain it.

Yes. I remember people rightly mocking Trump for his obsession with ratings and crowd sizes. Now, people against Trump are obsessing on that at every opportunity.

I agree the turn on Zeke seemed a little harsh, but I suspect it's probably a lot of little things adding up. What we did see of Zeke this week was pretty arrogant. He is completely right about it not making sense to try an flush an idol from Hali by assigning the minority share of the vote to her, but he completely

The headline is the real problem, and writers generally don't do their own headlines, so I'm not faulting Rabin for that part.

I agree with you on the slow reveal. While I do like the slow paced investigative scenes of the last two episodes, they were undercut by the fact that we had been spoiled on where the trail lead because they got too cute with the episode titles last season.

It does seem a little strange to make it an issue in the review, but it is flat-out stupid to take that issue and make it the headline for the article.