
And while he was right about the bad math, he was overly confrontational in approaching Sierra about it. if he had been softer in selling the idea, it might have caught on. Instead, he made it look like an attempted power grab.

I'm getting a Tom and Jerry Are Dead vibe from this.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a musical!?!

I like how the actual title on the DVD is Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Original Movie. If they didn't tell you originality was involved, you would never know.

"It is like a fever dream of ’90s attitude birthed into the world, its only lamentable qualities being the fact that the dog is not wearing a backwards hat and sunglasses, and it never lowers said glasses to say directly to the camera something like, “Shred hard, dudes and dudettes,” or, “Don’t blame me—I’m a

Asian-Americans usually don't have an accent in my experience, but Dong wasn't even Asian-American. Not being American was kind of his whole plotline. He was just Asian, which almost guarantees a foreign accent.

It's pretty clear they have been at work trying to get out of the contract. It would have been the whole reason why he has been "on vacation" rather than getting fired at that time. We'll probably never know how successful they were at it.

I don't disagree. There are certainly benefits to playing with a group of friends. I'm just pointing out there was something fun about playing with strangers in real life (As opposed to online where anonymity makes people assholes).

Same here. You can get a similar effect with a bunch of friends in the living room taking turns on a console, but it isn't quite the same thrill as challenging total strangers.

I wish we could get past the fear of articles. The story is called "The Father Thing" not "Father Thing", and I think the original sounds a lot better. It's a TV series, so it isn't even like you are trying to save space on the marquee.

My only concern about this is that I am not sure that Ronald D. Moore has the right sense of humor for PKD. That's the thing that usually gets lost adapting his work.

Yes. This is clearly the equivalent of the Republican repressed homosexual who says we need to make it against the law for men to sleep with each or no man is going to want to sleep with women anymore.

Splatterhouse was another game with a similar sense of humor. One of the early levels ends with a poltergeist room. You need to smash the objects coming at you from the sides and you get subtly herded to the middle of the room. Eventually the room stops shaking, and the objects stop coming. You breath a sigh of relief

Doesn't he have enough pull with elderly Southern White Males to get Matlock?

That's possibly the worst writer/project pairing I can think of.

Just to add to my last comment, I think if a man is going to call out a woman as a bad feminist, he better make a solid thoughtful argument. He mostly just called her a dum-dum.

What I found unseemly was how he seemed more interested in presenting himself as Mr. Feminist than even critiquing her song. Like you say, he didn't make a convincing case, and it was because he was too busy patting himself on the back to make any kind of real point.

"x is the reason we have Trump as president" is the new "x is worst than Hitler".

It's telling that his mind is still quite clear on what he ate that day.

In a lot of cases, I would give him the benefit of the doubt, it's just he speaks almost entirely in the language of think pieces and doesn't make much effort to be funny elsewhere.