
That's even worse than what I had pictured.

I lived through the Neo-Hippie Revival of the late '80s and early '90s. I developed a rule of thumb about hippies. The ones from the lower middle class part of town were often actually pretty cool. The ones from the upper middle class part of town were insufferable.

I guess they hoped if it laid low for a while, people might forget the Seal debacle.

Man uses the language of feminism to critique white women for using the language of African-Americans.

He did let it drop that he has read entire books on feminism, unlike Trainor. Yet where are the hit singles for the real feminist heroes like him.

If they are keeping this around, they really should shorten this feature. The length here was baffling.

Actually, this one would have been better if he could have kept his point to "I DON'T LIKE IT". It's unseemly when a guy spends as much time polishing his Feminist Badge in public as Glazer did in this interview.

Not just douchey, but everything was stated in the most generic, think piecey language possible. He seems to spend as much time broadcasting his feminist credentials as he does talking about her. He's critiquing her for being dumb while relying almost entirely on boilerplate to make his point. I'm pretty sure he also

And the he says, " There have been a bunch of think pieces that I’ve read to validate my frustration with her…"

I'd honestly be in this universe with the non-believer. Trump is mostly concerned with maximizing his time at his golf club, while Cruz would be working 24/7 to fulfill his dark agenda.

Jon Snow only appears via a phone call from the Wall in the pilot. They are holding Rickon back for a later season in case the actors playing Arya and Bran start to diminish in cuteness.

Xi says he is serious, but China still produces a quarter of the word's carbon gasses, and we only have China's word that they are doing anything to reverse that, and they stonewall any serious investigation into the matter. There has been a slight slowdown in coal usage in China, but it is entirely connected to the

Gotta disqualify Chinatown. No sweetness there. Up is a good call though.

If you can't find it elsewhere, it's sadly obscure enough that it is usually up on Youtube. It's well worth a revisit. I came very close to seeing in the theater at the the time, and have regretted not getting around to it ever since. It's one of my favorite science-fiction movies.

I have trouble buying his remorse now because of how skeevily he tried to recontextualize his statement with minutes of it backfiring on him. He started by flat out stating that Zeke as an in-the-closet transperson, could not be trusted . Then a minute later, Varner was saying that he only said it because he only

I hadn't thought of it that way, but I bet that is exactly what he is thinking.

Now that he is vindicated, they can book him for next season!

I disdained it for years, then actually caught an episode about eight years ago and got sucked in. My opinion of it varies from season to season, but I have stuck with it.

Most of the AV Club Survivor watchers migrated over to the Purple Rock Podcast liveblog comments. AV Club did start doing pseudo-reviews to lure people back with limited success.

The article really doesn't give a sense of how disgusting what Varner did was. He didn't just out someone. He outed them as trans to the rest of the people on the show, saying that the fact that they were secretly trans meant they were innately deceptive and should be voted off the show.