
If God is coming back, I'd like to request he start off by striking Trump with a bolt of lightning while he is out on a golf course. It doesn't even need to be a fatal strike to make it entertaining.

She doesn't deserve to be sexually harassed. She also doesn't deserve a job as a credible journalist at any news outlet based on her own past behavior.

Actually, I do remember people back then who blurted out "That is fake!" during movies, as if up to that point, we had all been convinced that Raiders of the Lost Ark was a documentary. But those kind of people were annoying assholes, so your basic point stands.

Oleg still has valuable connections though. He has put himself in an unglamourous job. If he had reason, he could get into a position more useful to the CIA.

Stop using that word! You don't even know what it means!

This show needs more attention. It kills me that season three never even got a DVD release.

I'd be willing to put money on it. He was originally meant to die in the Tie Fighter crash in TFA awakens, but once they saw him in action, they realized he needed to stick around. This screenplay was written with full awareness of Oscar Isaacs awesomeness, so it should give him more to do.

I expect we will get a good amount of Finn. If they think a shot of him sleeping is worth putting in the trailer, it suggests to me that they still think he is a central character.

Sure. It had been invisible to me for years, as I whenever I encountered it, I thought it was Haunted Honeymoon, which is a bad movie which doesn't have any trainwreck quality.

Yes. The dumping method actively discourages online discussion, not only because a lot of people will just jump to the next episode rather than go online to talk about it, but also because the comment sections are always a minefield of spoilers.

I find that movie oddly fascinating in its awfulness, so I can't rate that the worst, not that I saw it in a theater anyway. I am oddly jealous that you got to see that on the big screen.

Unfortunately, the dumb love story is the basis for the stupid fall to the Dark SIde of Anakin, so while you can cut it down to a shorted version with only good scenes, you still don't have a very coherent story.

If I had never read the graphic novel, I would probably rate it on the low end of mediocre. It's only when I judge it as an adaptation that it drops down near the bottom,

Laura just wanted a chance to pull out her original, A-Grade, burn material on Avatar by comparing it to Fern Gully and Pocahontas.

Just last week, I mentioned how they sometimes have a different question in the headline than they do in the introductory paragraph. This week, the have done away with the introductory paragraph. It's probably a coincidence, but I am going to take credit for the change.

It's also ironic he is complaining about being pigeonholed as an impressionist while also complaining that they didn't let him do Obama as much as he wanted to.

I've said this before, but I also feel it is better for a show's publicity to release weekly. Cable shows usually get a full ten weeks of media attention and online discussion, while streaming show generally fade into the background quickly.

I was responding to a comment saying that the bull statue was placed illegally, and I stating the facts.

My parents used to listen to that when it first came out, so it is attached to happy childhood memories.

You are leaving out one crucial piece of information. The Bull was originally in a different location where it indeed was placed illegally. It was removed, then later moved to a permanent location with proper permits.