
"Last night on Full Frontal, Samantha Bee laid waste to the notion that Ivanka Trump is some sort of feminist mole in the White House working to covertly make her father’s policies less heinous. "

Just wait for Ivanka's kids.

As an immigrant to America, I have always found the First Lady thing a little odd. It's cool if she wants to use the inevitable attention to do some public service work, but I don't really see it as an obligation.

And the transportation back and forth from D.C. as well. If Trump wanted to live in some modern apartment in D.C. and, as you say, had his own security for it, it wouldn't bother me at all the he didn't live in the White House.

I was just making a cheap joke. Don't sweat it. I knew what you meant.

You are assuming that in your alternate reality that government allowed speech would be on your side. It could just as easily be an America where handpicked government committees of scienticians have determined that global warming is not real, homosexuality is a treatable mental illness, and Dick Cheney is a good and

Sure. I just meant that there are situations where a clown can be scary even to those not normally prone to it.

Yes, It means that even with president like Trump who wants to go after every newspaper that criticizes him as being fake news, he doesn't have any power to fine or shut down those papers. You really want everyone the Trump decries as "fake news" being fined?

I don't know if having certain websites wearing special symbols is really a comfortable approach for Germany.

I don't really care for this approach. Giving the government the power to fine people for spreading fake news sounds kind of terrifying if you live in a country where the president screams "Fake News!!!" every time a newspaper criticizes him.

Politicians already tend to do that. It's like Trump's "People are saying…" that he loves to stick on the front of every lie. You only need to find one wingnut on the Internet who said it, and then nothing Trump said was lie.

It is the most A.V. Club thing ever that in a generally interesting article, they took the most egregiously ignorant thing she said and made it the headline.

Exactly. Nobody is willing to roll over and give names above them, so they are just stuck intimidating the little guys.

The miniseries did well enough to get a sequel.

Sure. Context matters. As Lon Chaney said, "There's nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight."

They make it with cane sugar in Australia too. In fact, I suspect the US might be in the only place in the world that doesn't have real Coca Cola.

"Sorting by Best" is distorting your view of reality! Do you really want Disqus to decide what comments are best for you?

It is actually a good example of your premise. Pennywise is simply a shape taken by a monster that takes the form of things that terrify people.

Maybe. My sister's kids just watch Netflix and Youtube with adblockers. When we have family gatherings at my parent's place, they are always puzzled by ads.

Seems to have earned you respect though. You are getting more upvotes. Maybe I need to start commenting in MLA format.