
You are too late. I beat you by a minute.

Fuck yeah! Dabney Coleman and Henry Thomas are finally going to be working together again!

I loved the subtlety of the reaction. It would have been easy to go "big" there, but Rhys mostly holds it all in, making it seem even more painful.

Considering that the KGB is just looking to have someone that can act as a mole in the CIA, not an operative, Henry seems a perfect a choice.

That was my take. It says something about how computer illiterate Philip and Elizabeth are that they don't see a connection between computers and math. Not that it was unusual at the time. Most people in the mid-80s had never touched a computer and never expected to.

It was my interpretation that Oleg decided to get into the field of shutting down the corruption in the system specifically because he has watched his father use it for favorable treatment his whole life. It even came up during the first episode when Oleg's boss warned him that the people they were ultimately after

That I can agree with.

If I were to guess at an inspiration for the set-up, I would go with the novel Charlotte Sometimes.

I'm hoping you are right.

The scene of Philip trying to congratulate Henry and fumbling it was pretty harsh, especially considering everything else Philip had to deal with this episode.

I love this show, but comfort is the last word I would use to describe it.

Good for him. It's sad for someone to have spent so much of their life in the closet, especially when they weren't fooling many people anyway. It's good to see he is still ready to take chances.

Breaking Bad Babies is going to be downright unsettling.

And in true BCS fashion, as delighted as I was at Jimmy deciding to cause mischief, i felt bad about the whole thing by the time we got to Ed Begley Jr. wondering what he had done to Jimmy to deserve it.

BCS is about a bad man trying to reform and become a good one and ending up a worse man than he was to start.

Let me just add a better link. This one give more context on the scene.

If you have seen the animation for the Pink Elephants on Parade scene, you should know that it needs to be "drunk" in quotation marks. I'm pretty sure Dumbo falls in a barrel of liquid LSD in that scene.

Yes. I am all for waiting for fact to come in a lot of cases, but the facts have been coming in on this jackass for a long time. I'm comfortable making up my mind.

It's true that his core fans are going to remain loyal and see him as a victim, but Fox only cares about his fans so far as they can continue to sell their eyeballs to advertisers. He might set up shop somewhere else, but he could get bumped of Fox if this continues.

He meant to type "Aaauuuuughh no!" It is actually a stealth Cathy origin story.