
It reminds me a bit of a common bit of acting advice. If you are a reading a script and want to understand the character you are playing, you often get more useful information from what the other character say to and about you than you will from your own lines.

This review did seem a case of dinging it for failing to go in the predictable version the critic expected. It seems especially egregious as the "They both apply the life lessons they learn in the other body to their own lives" movie that D'Angelo wanted it to be sounds incredibly trite to me.

It's my impression that most people that talk about Lawrence of Arabia on the Internet have never actually seen it. Either that, or they watched it on DVD and thought the second DVD was just bonus features and never saw the second half.

That was never really Lenny though. That would have been Benny, who had been overwritten by false memories of Lenny. That memory disappeared because it was fake, not because Lenny was.

Sure. Of course, Alien itself is a case of above average execution. The screenplay could easily have been a forgettable B-movie.

It doesn't matter if the audience knows Dallas is dead. It only matters if the people receiving the signal from the alien know.

That was done in a different way in Aliens with the scene where Hudson freaks about them using an elevator.

I'm a big fan of the lack of explanation too. I think my theory makes sense, but is never proven, and there is room in there for other just as valid theories.

If only they had the budget of the movies, they could stage a fight at bland airport tarmac.

That also would have worked.

It is, but it really sags in the middle. It is just one plot the whole season, and it struggles to fill it. My feeling is that they really should have given Jessica some other cases to solve through the season. It's still worth watching though.

I think Lenny was actually a patient in the hospital. Go back and watch the first episode, and the Lenny in the hospital seems completely different than the Lenny that starts appearing to David after she dies. I think the Benny/Lenny thing is just a side effect of the Shadow King taking over his mind.

Sure. My point was just that this is a big step up for this service. The question it, does it actually work, or will this be like the early days of Hulu?

We celebrated my father's birthday yesterday, and during cake and ice cream, someone made the mistake of telling my sister's three-year-old the phrase "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream". He then began repeating it over and over again, punctuating it with a long piercing shriek between repetitions.

I think Season 2 was just as good on an episode-by-episode basis. It just has a weaker ending to the seasonal arc. It's still something any fan of the show should watch.

Just took a glance at the Go90 homepage. It's got a remarkably unappealing selection of things to watch at the moment.

Never forget, Yahoo Screen was free as well.

That might actually play better today, now we have had time for origin story fatigue to set in.

Thinking further, the real reason you can't cut that Josie plotline is that it is the reveal of who shot Cooper at the end of season one.

I sometimes suspect that the people insisting that nobody ever said democracy was dead after the 2000 election must be the people that were saying, and they are too embarrassed to admit it.