
The Bob appearance with Josie turning into a knob doesn't have anything to do with the story with Laura though. It felt like Bob and the Man from Another Place making a random appearance to remind us they existed.

I saw it on an airplane, and it was the ideal movie for that context.

Your comment supports mine perfectly.

I was one of those people, I didn't see until years later, to my regret.

That wasn't what I meant to say, but I will accept that as a valid reading.

When he really hit his stride with proper "Alec Baldwin" roles, I'd completely forgotten he was in Beetlejuice as he just didn't make an impact on me.

I liked those at the time. They both have all the problems of a bad Tim Burton movie, but his style was still fresh enough, and I was still young and high enough to enjoy them when they came out.

I don't know. The Bush Administration had their Patriot Act and their War in Iraq primed and ready before they even got in office. They had a Congress that did what they wanted.

Parallels doesn't mean that the situation was as bad then. It means that the parallel, but not as bad situation in 2000 was enough to keep people from even looking at a Bush-centered show, it sure as fuck is enough to keep people from watch a Trump one now.

It aired during the summer after an election where Bush became President after a bitterly-contested election in which he lost the popular vote, leading to deep feelings of bitterness. The parallels are there.

It will be lucky to get That's My Bush level ratings.

I didn't get around to Hannibal until late last year, and while I absolutely loved it, I felt it had reached a pretty good stopping point. I think it did what it set out to do. Wonderfalls could have used more time.

Not only did she answer your question, it was actually a very entertaining answer as well. And I agree. Dhavernas would actually work great in Twin Peaks.

Terry Gilliam has said his goal with Brazil was to make a movie about a character going insane and have it be a happy ending.

I'm 45. You don't need to explain to me that theaters are too damn loud these days.

Careful. The last time The A.V. Club tried to facilitate sex for its members, we got the "Pretty, pretty princess" ad and subsequent meme. If this conversation leads to a meme, none of us are going to be proud of it.

"The Conjuringuniverse" is kind of an odd concept as the hook with the first movie was that it was a true story, thus firmly set in our universe.

You can't appreciate the loud-noise jump-scares with the sound down!

Pretty sure the talking part is the thing @tavernacle:disqus is desperate to avoid.

I hope they don't. The parallel dimension thing seems a conscious way to avoid time travel. Time travel has been a go-to for mindfuck sci-fi stories for over a century. It is well-trod ground. Not having time travel forces them into other directions.