
Maybe? I feel like if the toy people were dictating that choice, rather than being reduced to a wonky, homemade suit, Parker would have been gifted with an array of high-tech suits.

Did I read you comment right? Are you fantasizing about Marisa Tomei in the spider suit?

I can't really agree with that. Most Marvel movies tend to threaten the whole world, which I find the least compelling threat as you know it will never succeed. Vulture is threatening to hurt the people Spider-Man cares about, and that is a thing that actually happens in Spider-Man stories. You can get more tension

Given there is supposed to be a lot of high school in the movie, it looks like a trailer designed to hide everything that didn't say generic superhero movie.

It's good to see Stark giving Parker a lecture about how you have to be able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Don't every change, rich people!

I'm a little ambivalent on the Spider-Man/Iron Man connection, but I am guessing that plot point comes early so Stark isn't around for the rest of the movie.

It's more of a plot heavy trailer than I would like, so save up some snark for the next article.

I developed a taste for it when I lived in Southwest Ohio, and it's really about expectations. If you eat it expecting chili, it's not surprising if you are unhappy. As a Mediterranean spaghetti dish, it's not bad.

Good points. We have yet to actually get a real Mary Jane on the screen yet. Kind of odd as stunning supermodel with star quality shouldn't be the kind of thing that Hollywood steers away from.

I find it hard to believe there could be such rampant sexism in a Japanese company.

I can't wait for the theological arguments that follow about whether Tomy acted out of genuine compassion in helping Spider-Man or was simply compelled to by the Sovokia Accords.

It is an interesting way of getting to have an improvised, high-school Spider-Man without having to do the spider-bite scene again.

Some people are just unfamiliar with the slang term "Chicago Cruise Ship".

Exactly. Anyway, trying to pull things together with webbing is just a Spider-man kind of thing to do. I doubt they were going with a Jesus angle, especially as it's a scene where Iron Man shows up to help him out.

Being from Sydney, that leapt out at me, but I am feeling oddly non-picky today, so I decided to let that go.

Now you have brought this up, Sony is bumping back the Black Cat movie to fast track this.

Are you sure they didn't cast Toronto as "New York City Type"?

Don't worry. There will be one more trailer that will reveal all the crucial plot points from the high school side of the movie as well.

Alexander the Great made conquering the Middle East look easy, which has lead to all kinds of problems for America since then. That's led to a lot of resentment.

Apparently it's some variation on Macedonian food that has nothing to do with chili. The first restaurant in Cincinnati didn't want anything off-puttingly ethnic in their menu names, so they labeled it chili.