
Personal Ness

11 hours later and it still stands. Gotta give them points for conviction.

It's the Kevin Costner/Sean Connery reunion we have all been waiting for.

It's Eliot Ness Week at the A.V. Club!

I get people not liking it, but I went it to it with carefully calibrated expectations, and I liked it as well.

You are totally missing the point. She wasn't talking to the Bernie supporters. She was scoring points with Clinton supporters, and they ate it up. She wouldn't be getting this show if she hadn't done it. It was a smart play.

Is there anyone left on staff old enough to know who John Lydon is?

Those are the only ones worth watching. Syndicated reruns in the '80s seemed to favor the color ones though.

It's a deliberate strategy on the part of Navalny. He knows Putin has a lot of support in rural regions, but these areas can be worked up about corruption. Navalny is focusing on grotesque corruption in Putin's government without ever naming Putin directly. It's looking like an effective strategy so far.

That's my take. They didn't want to admit that the number of protestors was into 4 digits.

I'm always surprised that so many Americans don't seem to understand the Executive Branch, for all its flashiness, is possibly the weakest branch. Congress gets to make all the rules and controls all the money. When it comes down to it, the President is really just their errand boy. "Do a good job running the

GOP lawmakers read Art of the Deal and are puzzled that he doesn't follow his own advice.

And I didn't feel much about what happened with Dolores either. Considering how good the acting was in this show, it's actually kind of impressive how emotionally uninvested I was in the finale. The developments with Maeve, Dolores, and Ford and William all felt more like sleight of hand than honest character

I'm sure Netflix is paying them a lot more than the the five people looking to sign up for this service. I expect they will stay in business with Netflix.

I don't see anything to get upset about. AMC's shows are already streaming with commercials for cable subscribers, and this doesn't say they are taking that away. If some people want to pay for AMC without commercials, good for them.

I'd say most seasons of The Wire actually succeed at the difficult trick of being 10-hour movies. They are focused stories, both in regards to plotting and theme. The Wire doesn't operate by withholding information from you or by delaying conflicts, the two most common tricks of weaker serialized shows. It simply

The parable element seemed dumb to me as a student in the '80s. The McCarthy era was already far enough in the rear view mirror that more politically-savvy students like myself knew about it, but enough students didn't that we had to learn about it.

I'm kind of embarrassed at not using Pokies, the most used word in the Australian language, as one of my examples.

Yeah. Honestly, I am pretty torn on the Fairness Doctrine thing. Most people are actually hearing both sides, they just instinctively reject one side and embrace the other. The real problem is getting people to think critically about what they hear.

I'll take that over them having the whole of American's most popular cable news channel to themselves.