
That feeling you have of being arbitrarily assigned a generation by the media? That's exactly what it being Generation X feels like too.

Upvoting for Empire Records hate, not because I liked Reality Bites.

I used to work at Borders in the lIterature (which at Borders just meant fiction) section, and had a running joke with the a girl in the music department about how they were the cool kids. It was actually one of the crappier assignments. I'd fill in there sometimes and is was mostly just putting CDs in those long

I was 22 when that came out, and sadly, I think I had just aged past the point where I could buy into it.

I saw Slacker in a theater with friends, and that was just a revelation for all of us. By the time Clerks rolled around three years later, it was entertaining and all, but it felt over-hyped to me. It probably didn't help that it has one of the worst movie endings ever.

Exactly. You only check your phone when there is doubt.

THe kind of people too dumb to read reviews have a high overlap with people that think RT numbers are useful actually.

That's assuming you can break a review down to positive or negative in the first place. There have been a number of times nuanced reviews get rated by RT in the opposite direction than I would have interpreted them.

It can be two things.

Almost as much we do.

Hey, I'm not saying it has not merit, just that Legion is really damn good.

20-30 year olds are irrelevant. The Demo matters for advertising dollars, which Showtime doesn't care about. A subscriber is a subscriber whatever age they are. This can do fine even if only Boomers and Gen X shows up to watch.

Carla didn't get a spin-off. She was in the pilot of The Tortellis, but just as connection to Cheers.

It's aggravating as I can kind of see what they are trying to do, but they so clearly fail to pull it off.

The video is certainly off base the idea that all title sequences before the 90s were crap. It isn't even consistent in doing so, at one point saying all old shows just had credits that were just a bunch of B-roll footage, then later talking about how they set up the premise of the show.

It's also a movie that everybody already knows about. It just needs to have enough content to spur sites like the AV club into mentioning the movie in a headline. Mission accomplished.

That's the classic SAT joke structure.

I'm holding out for the construction worker and the leather daddy.

And shorter seasons allow Hawley to do two shows at once. I'd rather have both Legion and Fargo the same year than have just one long season of one of them. It lets him flex his creativity in more interesting ways.

I guess it just proves investigative journalism is underfunded if the show couldn't actually check if there was another newspaper in the area.