
There is a certain "America is so racist! I am going to move to Japan to get away from it!" vibe to this.

I remember being excited that the Neuromancer game for Commodore 64 had a badly digitized 5-second loop of a Devo song playing over the title screen.

Next some idiot is going to make a TV show about Gotham with no Batman.

They did the calculations, and the bump Spider-Man gets from his involvement in the MCU will be just enough to get enough people into theaters to see the crappy spin-offs they already have scripts for.

Seems like Sony's gimmick to be different than Marvel is just to make superhero movies like we had in the '70s, '80s and '90s where supers all existed in their own isolated movies and never got to interact. I'm not sure what the benefit of that is.

I will still picture 10, but with Jemaine Clement in the Dudley Moore role of the composer.

Yeah, but Legion was already a million points ahead, so it can lose a few.

But in less than a month Hawley will be back! In Fargo form!

My feelings are mixed. I will miss this show a great deal, but it's time to wrap this story up. I'm content to know we have another season on the way.

I don't know anything about him, but if he is the weakest element, at least there is precedent for getting a new host next season.

If Felicia Day can crank her neurotic nerdy side up to full blast with Patton Oswalt deadpanning alongside her, the chemistry should be solid.

Agreed. It also came in handy when a bewildered friend of mine just conducted a job interview for an applicant that turned out to be a sovereign citizen that went on a crazy rant. I was able to respond with a link the "Know Your Rights" bit which he enjoyed immensely. I also linked him to the "Get of my land" episode

I saw the Disney version on a date, and remember he commenting that she thought the beast was a lot more attractive than the prince he turned into. It does suggest Disney screwed up somewhere. Or maybe that I date weirdos. It can be two things.

I hate to defend Fox News, but there is nothing there to retract. The Pakistan Observer did report that he died.

Those are sensible commandments, but each tablet must be undersigned with "—The A.V. Club"

I didn't really buy Dr. Greg as "falling" for Gus. Dr. Greg is a guy who loves to put on a veneer of kind understanding for people he never has to see again. Nobody that really knows him buys his bullshit, so he looks for opportunities to sprinkle it on strangers. Having Gus fall for his doctor act is a nice salve for

That was the thing that didn't work for me as well, especially as Dr. Greg turned so actively hostile to Gus. If he had kept up the buddy-buddy charm and tried to warn Gus as a "friend" about Mickey, then maybe it might be plausible. Instead, his attitude should have made his intentions clear.

Why? The author went to Harvard. It's unfair to expect a Harvard grad to be able write about someone so utterly unlike themselves as a Brown student.

I agree. And in any case, any respectable commenter here knows that Dowd id the guy you are supposed to give grief for not liking stuff enough.

A belong to an organization where one of the founders was a personal mentor before she died. Nothing makes my blood boil like when new members who never knew her lecture me on "what she would have wanted" to bolster their inane opinions.