
I've heard that through following the comments in TV Club. That's really a plus for me. For one thing, it makes it more worthwhile to both read the books and watch the show. I'm also the kind of person that can enjoy picking apart why changes are made in adaptations.

I'm staying away from the trailer. I trust Fuller. I am going to watch the show. I've read the book, so I can't say I will be completely unspoiled, but the visuals be fresh for me.

I would never describe Westworld as visually boring, but Legion is running circles around it in the department of exploring human consciousness.

I hate to recommend not watching Hannibal to anyone, but Season 3 is the season where Graham probably undergoes the least mental torture. If it was having a bad effect on you, it might be a good idea to keep away from the rest of the show.

Not to mention overlapping with a season of Twin Peaks entirely directed by Lynch. It's an overabundance of options, and as far as I know, we aren't getting any of them covered.

It's great how much Cary and Kerry enjoy each other's company. In fiction, when you have two people sharing a body, it's almost always a conflict, even in this show with David. It's nice to see an example of the arrangement being amicable.

Drawing on my D&D lore, when you go the Astral Plane, you have a silver cord that connects you back to your body. If it is severed, you are basically stuck as a ghost, and your body will wither away if not cared for. Having clearly lost the way back to his body, using an artificial silver cord to get back to his new

The Aubrey plaze dance scene was amazing in its own right, but it also got me thinking about how cool it is that the show has established a landscape of David's mind. I have a selection of places in my own memories that come to surface disproportionately due to their emotional importance to me. It's not just when I am

You generally need some interlopers for a Fargo story to provide contrast.

Mr. Robot does it very well, and Hawley's other series, Fargo is great at having the title pop up, along with the gravitas of the score, at the perfect moment. I'm not sure if Fargo Started the trend, but its when I picked up on it.

They seemed ambivalent on covering the Game of Thrones themselves. Polite FIght was always best when it was highlighting impressive visual choices rather than complaining about something.

That was an enormous oversight on my part, and I apologize profusely. Hannibal is one of the most beautiful shows ever.

It's unsettling how hungry that show made me.

Clearly setting up Oliver on the Astral Plane, then having us all forget until he showed up technically counts as a magic trick in my book.

This would be great to binge watch, but it is also a great show to roll around in your mind and discuss between episodes. Either way could work for me.

It's a recurring theme of the show that reliving a memory can change it, so I don't know if we can take that as confirmation,

Oliver isn't returning to the real world. They are all up in the Astral Plane, where he is.

I somehow never did, but they are a priority now.

-The A.V. Club

I just started The Magicians a couple of weeks ago, and I am now a couple of episodes into the new season.