
When the next few months pass and Legion, American Gods, The Americans, Fargo, and Twin Peaks have all been and gone, that is when I will really need to fill the hole in my heart. Too much good TV all at once.

Game of Thrones is amazing when it pulls out all the stops with its penultimate episodes every season, but a lot of the show's direction is simply workmanlike.

Another consideration is that it is ethically shaky to publish someone's tax returns without their permission. As with any leaked document, the decision to make it public needs to be weighed against the public right to know.

A real journalist wouldn't blown this up into a huge story for cheap ratings. This was nothing. These were a couple of pages clearly handpicked by Trump's people to be inoffensive. Any respectable journalist would have seen thought it and passed on running this.

About a year ago a friend of mine was contacted by Maddow's show. He worked on defense for the DC Madam case and has a lot of information, including her phone records. Maddow's show contacted him trying every skeevy angle to try and get ahold of them, even though he made it entirely clear that was NOTHING in there

I have fond memories of Stay Tuned. I'd just broken up with a girlfriend, and a group of my friends swung by my place, get me really high, and we went to the theater to see it. It was just the right level of silly to mesh with an evening where I started feeling broken, and went on to realize I had some really good

As someone that lived through the 70s and 80s, I really should have thought of this before, but you make an excellent point.

The Regal Beagle feels like something that should have been a carryover from the British version, but I don't think it was. As an Australian kid who moved to the US, it always seemed like an odd anomaly. I was trying to adapt to America and intent on identifying cultural difference. Pubs were okay in Australia or the

As someone that started watching it in the '80s, through random syndicated episodes and new Mr. Furley episodes, It was a long time before it came up on the show for me.

In the early 80s, it was in an early evening rerun timeslot on one of my local stations. That made it part of the standard viewing pattern of most of my friends at school. It was a show that took on a new light over that time, Yeah, everyone started watching it for the slapstick, but as puberty hit, we all started to

Based on your "a few years ago" timeframe, I am going to say no. I believe the incident I am describing happened in 1991.

Those shows came up in another discussion here recently. I said that given the fact that actual cartoon were at a nadir in the early '80s, those shows were better cartoons than most of the actual cartoons on American TV.

Both parties have a lot of cognitive dissonance, but establishment politicians try and awkwardly power through those moments, trying to change the subject as soon as they can. With Trump supporters, they kind of revel in the cognitive dissonance, as if they are laughing at you for being a loser for even thinking logic

I'm all for kids not seeing commercials. Even as a kid under their influence in the '70s and '80s, I could see the bad effect they were having on me. But I am a little bothered by just how much control kids have over what they watch. It's like it is always Saturday morning for kids now, which is kind of cool, but I

I thought the answer was "Al Capone's Vault got fantastic ratings. Why WOULDN'T you do it again?"

And Trump gets to go on another tirade about the crooked media printing his stolen tax records (which he most likely leaked),

Exactly, which it why it is so likely these two pages were leaked on purpose.

I wouldn't say Maddow got played. She knew how little they had in them when she decided to run them. She was clearly interested in milking suckers for ratings.

I can remember a family gathering at my parent's place where my sister's kids were all puzzled by the commercials on my parent's TV. They mostly use Netflix, and they have adblockers for Youtube.

Sure. A cleaner arc could work. Part of the issue is that the cool thing about Doctor Who is that it's a show where they show up to a completely new time and place for a brand new story. It's almost a science-fiction anthology show except you always have the same protagonist. It's a little trickier to weave a plot