
That was a show my parents got me into. I was visiting them and my mother was telling me about it. Unsurprisingly, I think her examples generally involved Nina Van Horn. I checked it out the next week. It just happened to be the Slow Donny episode. As a fan of the also underappreciated Mr. Show at the time, I was

Pretty much. I think my grandparents could hold racist ideas in the abstract, but that at the same time, they were completely incapable of being friendly and polite to anybody they actually met.

Are you sure? I thought it just meant "thing I don't really care for".

I've found another benefit. This comment has been up an hour, but it is so short it took me less than five minutes to read it!

They are monitoring click from the top of the article vs. clicks from the bottom. When they reach 80% from the top, they let the writing staff go and just run headlines.

You are right both about the merits and flaw of Jessica Jones. If they couldn't cut the episode length, they should have added some interesting cases of the week for her to work on, with the Purple Man plot as season arc. They would had to pad less, and it would have been nice to see her do more detective work.

I read an interview where Hawley said that he has ideas for a second season, but this season is a complete story on its own. That's best possible answer in my opinion.

I think the first season of Game of Thrones simply was better than later seasons. It's going to lose something if you no longer are excited about what is to come, but it is still very good.

They want to hide the comments behind that button because they are ashamed of us.

Racism and cognitive dissonance go hand in hand. My grandparents never let go of their grudge against the Japanese after WWII, but somehow that didn't interfere with them being best friends with the Japanese immigrant couple that lived next door to them for decades, including them in every gathering they had,

He said it in 2011, so I am assuming it was Obama's Death Panels.

I've never actually seen it, but I've only ever come across negative reaction to it, which is the reason I haven't seen it.

Katie was behind on her snark quota. She had to put this together or they were sending her to GJI.

I think I know the lesson that Hollywood took from Ghostbusters. If remaking a beloved classic with a female cast didn't work that well, why don't we try remaking a universally reviled movie with an all female cast?

"Seriously, if you don't like something, then don't fucking comment on it. It's not that hard."

I'm not saying he won't kill a character off. I just don't think he would kill off a character as vital to the show as Syd to give David a character beat. Her character in Fargo did die, but that was entirely the end result of her own actions.

The opening moments of a full trailer usually don't look as much like an ad as those trailer teasers fo.

I was just saying the show thread that this show has disturbing monsters like the Devil with the Yellow Eyes and the Word's Angriest Boy, but Plaza manages to be at least as creepy as either of them with just her performance.

Good point. While we have David itching to get out of the hospital at the very beginning of the first episode, he seems entirely content there once Syd shows up.

That's exactly what I was thinking after I hit reply, but I didn't want to bother editing. As David and Syd have both been institutionalized, it has actual character significance.